Morning Classes
Afternoon Classes
Extra Fun

What type of classes are offered in the Mornings?

Enrichment Classes


 DRS is an acronym for this.

What is division of rehabilitation services?

This afternoon class has people dancing to classic hits like the Macarena or the Hokey Pokey often in a Line

What is line dancing?


This once a month Tuesday afternoon dining session where visitors come to the DAC and educate clients about a ride variety of topics, all while sharing a meal together.

What is Lunch and Learn?


The Week of Camp

What is July 22nd thru 26th?


This Morning class involves making something new, or learning a new artistic skill

What is Make it Monday?


DRS Service Provider

what is the DAC?


This afternoon, class focuses on getting healthy and staying fit. Once a month, doing yoga.

 What is group fitness?


When the DAC heads out into the community typically from 1-3. Going to places like Home Depot, the Public Library,, and the Clarksburg Beauty Academy for haircuts.

What is Go! get outdoors?


The Theme this Year for Camp

What is the Olympics!?


This morning class. involves learning stuff about science, technology, engineering, arts and math. typically happens on Tuesdays.

What is STEAM Tuesdays?


Someone setting goals and reaching through the help of DAC staff

What is a a DRS Service?


This afternoon class involves. learning about and studying different works of fiction, nonfiction. and other kinds of written content.

what is Book Club?


This 1-3 Tuesday activity happens once a month and it's when the clients decide to give back to their community. Examples include picking up trash along the trail, creating cards for the blind, and playing bingo with senior citizens.

What is community service?


The Type of Camp that is Camp Can-Do

what is A place to get to know all of the staff and different clients who go to the DAC and also gain new cool experiences in WV?


This Thursday class is all about try and learning new skills, such as self care, baseball, or Public Speaking

What is Try this Thursday?


People who qualify for DRS

Who is Students, ages 14 and up, who have limitations and need assistance with learning, seeing, hearing, communicating, coping with stress or participating in physical activities and those who already have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or a 504 plan may be eligible for services from DRS?


This afternoon class is all about learning different skills that will vastly improve your quality of life, such as. how to be a responsible pet owner, how to maintain healthy relationships, and etiquette at different locations.

What is life skills?


This kitchen bound class typically occurs on Wednesdays afternoon once a month and teaches clients about how to create delicious staples.

What is Cooking Class?


The People Camp is made for

What is You Guys, anyone who otherwise can't make it to the center and wanna have fun?


Just like on a bingo board this is. a self-led morning activities on Wednesdays that the client's participate. Including, puzzles, computer time, and playing games.

What is Free Space?


Cheyann or Jared going with someone as they learn a new job

what is Job Coaching?


This tech course is all about learning the ins and outs of computer basics.

What is Computer Class?


Fun bonus activities Happen usually at least once a month or every other month.

What is Friday night out?


The Best Thing about Camp

What is seeing you guys have a blast?