Raiders History
Star Wars
NFL Rules
Video Games
Warriors History

This is the first year the team was known as the Los Angeles Raiders.

What is 1982?


This was Finn's stormtrooper identification number.

What is  FN-2187?


This is what a team may choose to attempt after scoring a touchdown, instead of kicking for an extra point.

What is a two-point conversion?


This 1980s arcade game was inducted into the Guinness Book of Records as the "Most Successful Coin-Operated Game" in 2005.

What is Pac-Man?


This NBA season saw Steph Curry only play in 5 games.

What is 2019-20?


This man was hired as head coach and general manager in 1963. 

Who is Al Davis?


This line of dialogue, with little variation, has made it into every film in the saga (Solo: A Star Wars Story).

What is "I have a bad feeling about this"?


The amount of players that a team can have on their active roster is this number.

What is 53?


In Mario Kart, this power-up seeks out the player in first position and explodes on impact.

What is a blue shell?


This player wore uniform number 34 in the 2015–16 season.

Who is Shaun Livingston?


This Oakland Raider wide receiver, wearing number 25, was selected as the Most Valuable Player of the 1977 Super Bowl.

Who is Fred Biletnikoff?


This is how many "forms of communication" C-3P0 claims to be fluent in.

What is over 6 million?


This is the amount of yards penalized if a defensive player purposefully grabs an offensive player by the face mask and brings him down.

What is 15?


Released in 2004 by Blizzard Entertainment and set in the fictional universe of Azeroth, this is the computer game that became the world's most popular "MMORPG".

What is World of Warcraft?


Andre Iguodala's first season with the Warriors was during these years.

What is 2013–14?


The Raiders defeated this team in Super Bowl XI.

Who are the Minnesota Vikings?


This character wiped out all of the information about Kamino from the Jedi Temple archives.

Who is Count Dooku?


Under the original NFL jersey numbering system, linebackers and centers wore jersey numbers in this range.

What is 50 through 69?


In 1986, the NES was released at this price point in the U.S.

What is $200?


This team beat the Warriors by 39 points on Christmas Day in 2020.

Who are the Bucks?


The son of this Hall of Fame Raider was drafted 2nd overall by the Rams in the 2008 NFL Draft.

Who is Howie Long?


In A New Hope, this is the location Luke said he needed to go to to pick up some power converters.

What is Tosche Station?


This is the duration that a player is suspended for for wearing illegal equipment.

What is one down?


This is currently the highest-selling video game of all time.

What is Minecraft?


In the 2011 NBA draft, Klay Thompson was selected as this overall pick by the Golden State Warriors.

What is 11th?