School Property/ Classtime
Who dismisses you for the day?
Your teacher.
How are you supposed to sit?
With all 4 legs on the ground.
Jose is in the restroom and you just need a drink of water. What are you allowed to do?
You can't go until Jose is out and the bathroom monitor has called your name. Only one person out of their seat at a time.
You're really tired and your teachers always take forever to transition into this class. Can you put your head down and take a quick 10 minute nap?
No, you must keep your head up and your eyes open.
What is the exchange rate for tickets and Bee Bucks?
10 tickets = 1 Bee Buck
Where should your ID be during searches?
Around your neck, or visible in another way.
You're doing a classroom project that requires coloring a map. You need markers. What do you need to do?
Make sure no one else is up, ask for permission to go get markers.
Beatrice doesn't want her hamburger or milk and you're REALLY hungry. Can you get hers?
No. Only one lunch and breakfast per student. No swapping allowed.
You need to sharpen your pencil and your teachers are transitioning. What do you do?
Ask for permission to sharpen your pencil. However, only one person may be up at a time.
How can you get out of class and go spend time with your favorite teacher or TA?
pay 3 Bee Bucks.
Explain DAEP's electronic devices policy.
You may not bring any electronic devices to school. If you do they will be taken up. First time - held till end of day at searches. Second time - held till that Friday when you pay $15. Third time - held till the end of your placement.
When are you supposed to sharpen your pencils?
Before lessons begin.
At what times may you use the restroom?
8, 10, 12, 1:30
It's transition time and your next teacher still hasn't entered. What can you do?
Work on incomplete work, or write/draw in your journal.
What percentage of students need to participate in a whole classroom prize like a pizza party or ice cream sundae party?
70% of the class.
Explain the procedure to leave searches and go to your homeroom.
Remain in dress code with your ID around your neck, walk directly to homeroom, do not talk to anyone, walk along designated path.
Explain how to walk from your cubicle to the restroom.
Ask permission, get up and push chair in, walk quietly along the blue line with your hands behind your back and your head down.
You hate apples and want another milk. Your friend, Josh, wants another apple and doesn' t want his milk. What is the proper procedure to follow to trade these items?
You may not trade any items under any circumstances.
How do you reenter the classroom from PE?
Single file, shirts in, quiet, return immediately to seat.
How can you help out a classmate to get a whole-class prize?
You or other students can contribute a total of 2 Bee Bucks to that student.
List 4 things you need to do when you are exiting.
1) Wait in chair till teacher calls you 2) Put chair on desk 3) Wear ID out 4) Walk single file, with hands behind back 5) Stay in dress code until off DAEP property - thru double gates
List 3 areas of responsibility to follow during class time and with your cubicle.
1) Keep cubicle neat, clean, and organized 2) Keep your head up and eyes open 3) Participate in lessons 4) Ask for help as needed 5) complete assignments
Explain the procedure you need to follow when using the restroom, including the amount of time given.
You have 3 minutes. You must be called first, and only one person can be up at a time. You will be called at 8, 10, 12, or 1:30. Walk along the path, check the restroom before using it, clean the restroom after using it, wash and dry your hands, and walk quietly back to your seat.
You just went outside for PE and are all sweaty and thirsty. What are you required and allowed to do?
Tuck in your shirt and sit down. You may ask for permission to get water and a paper towel to wipe your face with, but only one person can be up at a time.
What are the 3 differences between the classroom prize box and the office raffle?
1) Classroom prize box = 2 Bee Bucks, Office Raffle = 5 spent Bee Bucks 2) Classroom prize box = $1 prizes Office Raffle = $5-$10 prizes 3) Classroom - just get the prize Office - enter a drawing