These are involuntary muscles.
Smooth & cardiac muscle
This requires acid to function properly.
This is the cause of diarrhea.
Large intestine not absorbing water
This is the body’s primary source of energy.
MILLION DOLLAR MINIGAME (okay more like 300pts...)
Each team will nominate a person to play based on a prompt. Each person will take turns answering according to the prompt. Once a player can no longer think of an answer, they are eliminated. Last person standing wins 300 pts.
Name the 5 types of connective tissue.
Loose, Fibrous, Cartilage, Bone, Blood
This does the initial chemical digestion of stiches
This is how the small intestine is adapted to the absorption of nutrients.
High surface area caused by microvilli & villi
This is required in only small amounts.
Every question remaining on the board is now worth double points
These are 3 types of epithelial tissue. Give where each is located
Squamous (alveoli, capillaries, vessels), Cuboid (kidneys, surface of ovaries) & Columnar epithelium (lining of intestine, mouth, nose)
This is the function of NaHCO3. Where is it from and where does it act? Which hormone triggers it's release?
Neutralize acid in duodenum, produced by pancreas, Secretin triggers release
Where does the Hepatic Portal Vein start and finish? What does it carry?
Starts - lining of intestine
Finish - Liver
Carriers - Absorbed nutrients from the small intestine
What would a deficency in Vitamin C lead to? What would you recommend someone to eat to increase their vitamin C stores?
Leads to Scurvy, Eat more citrus!
What are the 2 types of glands? What is the difference between them? Give an example of each.
Exocrine - release into ducts - pancreas
Endocrine - release into blood - pancreas
What does the Hormone CCK trigger to release?
liver to secrete bile, and pancreas to release pancreatic juice.
Explain the mechanism behind how food does not go down your Trachea
Trachea moves under you epiglottis, which also block off your larynx. The food in then swallowed by your esophagus
Why should you never take supplements of fat soluble vitamins?
Can build up in call membranes and severely damage their function.
Each team will be placed on a randomizer wheel. The team that is selected will gain X amount of points from both teams and each of the remaining teams will lose X amount. The amount is agreed upon by the class. (MAX 500pts)
Name as many of the 9 major human body systems as you can.
Digestive, Circulatory, Immune, Respiratory, Excretory, Nervous/sensory, Muscular/skeletal, Hormonal, Reproductive.
The Liver has 11 functions. List as many as you can.
Um, page 6 notes, I'm not typing all of them out
Certain minerals are needed by the body know as being macro and micro. Name as many as you can.
Page 10