Social Skills
Kitchen Safety

When you lean in, make eye contact, and smile while talking with someone, it shows that you are...

What is interested (or genuinely interested)

What should you use to wipe your mouth while eating?
What is a napkin

When you take a hot meal out of the oven, be sure to use?

What is oven mittens

When you wash your hair, you should use...
What is shampoo (and conditioner)

What number should you call if there is an emergency?

What is 9-1-1


When you disagree with something someone says, you should compromise and not ____________.

What is argue

________ or _________ into the inside of your elbow so you don't spread your germs.
What is sneeze or cough
an item you should never leave on or near a hot stove surface
What is paper OR oven mitt OR plastic spatula
In order to not have body odor (B.O.), you should apply what (every day)?
What is deoderant

You should never put this item in a sink full of water when you're washing dishes...

What is a knife

When someone serves you food and you don't like it, you should...
What is say "no, thank you"
What should you say after you burp or fart in front of someone?
What is 'excuse me'

After cooking, be sure to clean up the kitchen or you will get?

What is insects or bugs

To make sure you teeth stay clean and health and that you don't have bad breath, you need to ____ ____ _____.
What is brush your teeth.

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

What is Spongebob Squarepants

When you're having a conversation with someone, you should always start with an...
What is 'introduction'
If someone is talking to someone else but you need to tell that person something, you should...
What is be patient OR not interrupt OR wait your turn

Be sure to never put what in the microwave?

What is metal or foil

Where should you clip your finger nails and toe nails?
What is in the bathroom, over a trashcan

When you receive a check, always be sure to sign what before cashing it?

What is the back of the check

When you are having a conversation with someone, you should always be aware of your _________ ____________.
What is body language
When you're in the lunch room and you just remember you forget to tell your friend, who is sitting 4 tables over, something about your plans this weekend...what should you do?
What is get up and go to tell them. It's rude to yell over the other tables because then you are disrupting other people's conversations and lunch.

When cooking using the oven, be sure to watch the?

What is the oven timer

Name at least 3 things you should do before leaving to go out into the community:
What is go to the bathroom, check your face in the mirror, comb your hair (or touch it up), get a drink of water if you need it, make sure your wallet and ID is on you, check the weather to see if you will need a jacket or umbrella...

What piece of information should you NEVER give out to a stranger?

What is your banking information or social security number