Let's Eat
I smell Something
Wait, What?
Rub a Dub Dub
Big Mouth

Bacteria can grow on food that is safely cooked. 

True  OR False



A good example of hygiene is brushing your teeth every other day.

  1. True
  2. False



As you mature, you take more responsibility for your own physical health.

  1. True
  2. False



You should buy something you want before you buy the things you need.

  1. True
  2. False



You should replace your toothbrush every 6 months.

  1. True
  2. False



 The safest way to thaw frozen foods.


  1. in the sink
  2. slowly in the refrigerator
  3. in direct sunlight
  4. in cold water overnight

slowly in the refrigerator


Identify the food item that you cannot safely freeze.

  1. cheese
  2. tomatoes
  3. food in cans
  4. sour cream

Food in cans


How often do you take out the trash?

  1. weekly
  2. annually
  3. monthly
  4. daily



What product best helps to clean between teeth?

  1. mouthwash
  2. water
  3. toothbrush
  4. floss



How often should you clean and organize the kitchen pantry?

  1. monthly
  2. daily
  3. annually
  4. weekly



How often should you go through your closet and sort through clothes? 

  1. monthly
  2. annually
  3. daily
  4. weekly



How often do you clean the shower and toilet?

  1. daily
  2. monthly
  3. annually
  4. weekly



What is the most important fact you should consider on a food label to determine nutritional value?

  1. vitamins
  2. sodium
  3. ingredients
  4. calories
  • ingredients

What are the proper hand washing techniques?

  1. use warm soapy water and wash for 20 seconds
  2. use warm water and wash for 10-15 seconds
  3. use cool soapy water and wash for 20 seconds
  4. use hand sanitizer
  • use warm soapy water and wash for 20 seconds

Another name for mouth care is                    .

  1. surgery
  2. oral hygiene
  3. handwashing
  4. eating sugary foods
  • oral hygiene

How often should you clean out the refrigerator? 

  1. annually
  2. daily
  3. weekly
  4. monthly



All of the following EXCEPT                 are good for your teeth.

  1. flossing
  2. brushing
  3. healthy foods
  4. sugary foods

sugary foods


Bacteria double in number in how many minutes?

  1. 30
  2. 60
  3. 45
  4. 20



When is it unsafe to refreeze foods?

  1. when out of fridge longer than two hours or 15 minutes in above 90 degrees F/32 degrees C
  2. when out of fridge longer than four hours or two hours in above 90 degrees F/32 degrees C
  3. always safe to refreeze food as freezing kills viruses and bacteria
  4. when out of fridge longer than two hours or one hour in above 90 degrees F/32 degrees C
  • when out of fridge longer than two hours or one hour in above 90 degrees F/32 degrees C

Where should you store tomatoes?

  1. uncovered in the fridge crisper drawer
  2. in a brown bag at room temperature
  3. room temperature until ripe, then in a cool place
  4. covered in the fridge crisper drawer

room temperature until ripe, then in a cool plac


Leftovers should be put away after how many hours?

  1. 2
  2. 5
  3. 8
  4. 1



Whenever you make a decision, you have to be willing to accept the results. The results of your actions are called:

  1. alternatives
  2. consequences
  3. risks
  4. opportunities
  • consequences

What example shows personal responsibility?

  1. waiting until someone asks for help
  2. not admitting a mistake
  3. participating in gossip
  4. choosing positive behavior
  • choosing positive behavior

At what temperature should frozen food be kept?

  1. -10 degrees F/-23 degrees C
  2. 0 degrees F/-17 degrees C
  3. 5 degrees F/-15 degrees C
  4. 32 degrees F/0 degrees C
  • 0 degrees F/-17 degrees C

From a food-safety standpoint, when frozen at an ideal temperature, how long will food keep?

  1. 1-3 weeks
  2. 6 months
  3. indefinitely
  4. 2 years
  • indefinitely

What is a nutrient?

  1. organic or inorganic vitamins in food
  2. an ingredient in food that provides energy
  3. an ingredient in food that provides nourishment
  4. minerals in food

an ingredient in food that provides nourishment


Identify an efficient method of storing kitchen items such as pots, pans, and mixing bowls.

  1. largest items in largest cupboards
  2. bulky items in pantry or closet
  3. higher in cupboards based on more frequent use
  4. store things close to where you use them
  • store things close to where you use them

On a nutrition label, percentage of daily values is based on a                calorie diet.

  1. 2,000-3,000
  2. 3,000-4,000
  3. 2,000-2,500
  4. 2,500-3,500

2000 - 2500


On a nutrition label, what does serving size describe?

  1. the amount of food in a container
  2. recommended amount of food you should consume according to your age
  3. a portion of or all of the food in a container
  4. a portion of food in a container
  • a portion of or all of the food in a container

Leaving food out too long at ___________                temperature                      can cause bacteria to grow.
