Today in history
Staff Members (full names)
Taking A Moral Inventory
Service Work
Health Conditions
On April 3, 2009, this movie became the top-grossing opening-day car movie.
What is 'The Fast and the Furious'?
This is the person running this group.
Who is Kimberly Mackanic?

DAILY WRAP-UP: Two members of your team must each answer (2) 10th Step Inventory questions in detail.

This person commits to share their experience, strength, and hope to a group of people connected to addiction and recovery support. 
Who is a speaker?

When a person struggles with substance abuse for a long time, this organ becomes dependent on the substance to control neurotransmitters, which begins to change it's chemistry. Eventually, parts of the the organ change shape or size, which leads to mental health issues, personality changes, and physical problems.

What is the brain?
On April 3, 1862, this institution was abolished in Washing, D.C.
What is slavery?
DAILY WRAP-UP: Two members of your team must each answer (2) 10th Step Inventory questions in detail.

When exploring this concept, most of us start with our childhood, but any order will work as long as it is complete. Include all the people (parents, mates, friends, enemies, ourselves, etc.); the organizations and institutions (jails, police, hospitals, schools, etc.); and the concepts (religions, politics, prejudice, social customs, God, etc.) at whom you are angry.

What is resentment?

This person welcomes members as they arrive to the meeting, giving general information as requested.

Who is the greeter?

Consistent high and low blood pressure (caused by stimulants which increase the heart rat, or depressants which slow it down) can cause damage to the this system in the body, leading to an increased risk of blood clots or circulation problems. 

What is the circulatory system?

On April 3, 1974, 148 _____ hit the United States heartland within 16 hours. By the time the deadly storms ended, 330 people had died. This was the largest grouping of this type of storm recorded in its time, affecting 11 states and Ontario, Canada. 

What are tornadoes?
This is the Clinical staff member who has worked at this program since it first opened. 
Who is Amanda Cannella?

This includes your _____ with co-workers, friends, relatives, family members, neighbors, etc. Examine the positive and negative aspects of each one, being honest about your assets and liabilities. We focus on our mistakes, and concern ourselves with areas where self-centeredness and other character defects seemed to prevail.

What are relationships?

While a primary task for this role is keeping to the agenda and timeframe of a meeting.

Who is the chair/chairperson?

This is a chronic disease of the liver marked by degeneration of cells, inflammation, and fibrous thickening of tissue. It is typically a result of alcoholism or hepatitis.

What is cirrhosis?

On April 3, 1934, this British anthropologist, known for her work with African chimpanzees, was born.

Who is Jane Goodall?

This person is the newest Clinical Staff member.

Who is Jesse Adams?

One of the most frequent rationalizations we find for not working the Fourth Step is our “deep, dark secrets.” These situations that have caused us so much _______; the things we’ve never really taken a look at are often some of the hardest to write about and share. Unwillingness to face these situations can be a stumbling block in our recovery. 

What is shame and/or guilt?

This NA sub-committee carries NA meetings into institutions such as treatment centers, jails, prisons, and hospitals. 

What is Hospitals & Institutions (H&I)?


Drugs like heroin or other opioids that reduce the amount of this the body takes in can cause kidney damage.

What is oxygen?

On April 3, 1882, one of America’s most famous criminals, _______ , was shot to death by fellow gang member Bob Ford.

Who is Jesse James?
These are the 4 housing managers.
Who are...

1. Sonya Elefante
2. Mike Ferro
3. Joshua Black
4. Robert Matthews


Because of this emotion, we may feel paralyzed or avoid change. This may be include ____ of the unknown, of pain, of rejection, of abandonment, of responsibility, of commitment, of growing up, and of success and/or failure. 

What is fear?
This person serves a two-year term acting as the liaison between their local AA group and the worldwide fellowship. 
Who is the GSR (General Service Representative)?

Damage to this body system may be include abdominal pain and bowel tissue decay, acid reflux, and severe constipation. 

What is gastro-intestinal?