Milk solids can be divided into fat & milk solids(-not fat). The solids(not fat) include minerals, lactose, and what?
in fresh, unprocessed milk, when unmixed (stands), globules flocculate, forming larger clusters, and fat rises to the top. this is called what?
glucose + galactose
this process results in : Protein coagulation, Calcium less dispersed, Flat globules coalesce, Surface films can form, Sugars and proteins may brown (Maillard Reaction!)
•When milk is heated, this tends to form, which traps steam, creates pressure and causes milk to boil over
proteins in milk are
whey and casein
what is done to milk we typically buy involving a high pressure system that disperses the fat globules making a stable system
Lactose intolerant people have insufficient amount of
•milk-based food produced when milk is clotted by lactic-acid producing bacteria
proteins are more water soluble and dispersed in the milk serum. Do not coagulate
•The primary protein (80-82%) found in milk
this is a step we take for food safety in milk processing!
It is the process of remixing of cream and skim “streams” to achieve desired fat level
The whey proteins, lactalbumin and lactoglobulin, precipitate (became insoluble) – begin to coagulate. Results in small particles collecting on the bottom of the pan
lactalbumin and lactoglobulin are what proteins
whey proteins
this cannot be precipitated by acid or rennet when making cheese. Instead, it's denatured by heat
a complex set of (group of enzymes) produced in the stomachs of ruminant mammals – contains chymosin, protease (and other enzymes, pepsin, lipase)
this step in milk processing removes solid particles: dirt, epithelial cells, immune system cells, some bacteria, sludge
protein aggregates that can be caused by an acid or salt (added too quickly or too high concentration)
in cheese making, controlling moisture, oxygen, humidity, etc. during storage is called what
milk is what type of emulsion
Canned milk product made by evaporating about half the water and adding 44% sugar. Slows bacterial growth.
sweetened condensed milk
It contains Lactobacillus acidophilus which metabolizes the lactose in milk. it is lactose free.
Acidophilus Milk
calcium remains attached to the casein in the curds using what vs. getting released to the whey when using another substance (name the 2 consecutively)
enzyme/rennet & acid
this type of cheese has <30% water content is is not very perishable
hard cheese