Milk defects

The purpose of classifying milk into classes I, II, III and IV is to provide for

A. payment for milk according to its cost of production

B. classification according to the relative safety of each class

C. payment for milk according to its end use

D. payment for milk according to its quality

payment for milk according to its end use


Materials that accumulate on filter pads during the sediment test of milk include

A somatic cells

B all listed

C insoluble extraneous matter

D clots of milk from mastitic mammary glands

E bacteria

all listed


describe how garlic and onion flavor occurs in milk

through feeding on garlic/onion 


cheese the is stringy and goes on pizza



What is Casein 

milk protein 


Pooling in Federal Milk Marketing Orders is

A. a system of fairly distributing payment among milk processors in a market

B. the co-mingling of milk from two or more produce

C. none of the choices

D. the co-mingling of milk from two or more markets a system of paying all producers within a market according to uses made of the milk within that market

a system of paying all producers within a market according to uses made of the milk within that market


Water added to milk is detected by checking the _____.

A titratable acidity

B acid degree value

C freezing point

D sediment content

freezing point

what does the defect feed taste like 

sweet/ molasses flavor 


What cheese is bright orange, smooth, and waxy 



What is milk sugar 



It requires approximately ____ pounds of milk testing 4% fat to make one pound of butter containing 80% fat.

A 20 

B 100 

C 40 

D 2 

E 10



The minimum concentration for hypochlorite sanitizer for use on dairy equipment is approximately ___ parts per million

A 50,000

B 5000

C 50

D 500



The ability of lipase to attack milk fat and produce a rancid off flavor is enhanced by

A. feeding cows moldy hay

B. excessive agitation of warm raw milk

C. exposing milk to sunlight

D. poorly cleaned milking equipment

excessive agitation of warm raw milk


What class is cheese in 



Molds growing on corn and other feed grains may produce

A fungicides

B aflatoxins

C mycotoxins

D bactericides



The reason Federal Milk Market Administrators test grade A milk for composition and audit records of purchases by dealers is to

A. keep the government informed

B. ensure an adequate supply of milk

C. help dealers with their business affairs

D. ensure fairness in the marketing of the milk

ensure fairness in the marketing of the milk


Which one of the following is an adulterant of milk and is the subject of testing with every load of milk as it is delivered to any dairy plant in the US?

A water

B sediment

C sanitizers

D pesticides

E antibiotics



What defects can you not smell 

Bitter/ salty 


What is the cheese that has a rind and is all white and smooth



Surplus milk

A all of the above

B gets no consideration in establishing Federal Orders

C is not produced under grade A standards

D commands a lower price than milk sold in the fresh fluid form

commands a lower price than milk sold in the fresh fluid form


Under Federal Order pricing milk not used for fluid purposes, called “Surplus milk,”

A. all of the choices

B. brings to the producer a lower price than milk sold for drinking purposes

C. none of the choices

D. is not considered in establishing Federal Orders

E. is produced under manufacturing grade standards only

brings to the producer a lower price than milk sold for drinking purposes


Filtering milk on the farm

A is necessary to protect the health of milk drinkers

B both removes large particles of insoluble extraneous materials and permits passage of some extraneous materials

C permits passage of some extraneous materials

D is required by the USDA E removes large particles of insoluble extranerous materials

both removes large particles of insoluble extraneous materials and permits passage of some extraneous materials


What do you give a score of 10 to 

no defects 


What proten comes from cheese making and is liquid (used in many protein bars and drinks)



Marketing cooperatives often offer incentives to dairy farmers for producing milk having which of the following special characteristics?

A low somatic cell count

B low bacteria count

C high protein count

D low bacteria count, low somatic cell count, and high protein content

low bacteria count, low somatic cell count, and high protein content