What is the watery portion of milk called?
What is colostrum?
The first milk a cow produces for the calf.
How many days on average is a cow milked?
3 times a day
Which breed of dairy cattle produces about 21, 127 pounds of milk per year?
What is the solid portion of milk called?
What happens to a bulk tank if it tests positive for antibiotics or bacteria?
The whole tank is contaminated and poured out!
How many gallons of milk does a cow produce on average per day?
6-8 gallons
What are the two british breeds?
Jersey and Guernsey
How is milk classified?
Based on fat content or fat percentage
What is the place called where the cows go to get milked?
Milking Parlor
What is robotic milking?
Cows enter the stall on their own, system recognizes the cow, milking process begins.
Which breed of dairy cattle has a beef breed counterpart?
Milking Shorthorn
Name three types of milk.
Whole, 1%, 2%, Skim
What is lactation?
Milking Period
Recombinant Bovine Somatotrophin
What is pastuerization?
Heating of the milk to kill bacteria.
What is a dry cow?
When a cow stops producing milk in preparation for birth.
What is the purpose or use for rBST in cattle?
Growth Horomone to increase milk production