the first excellent 97 point holstein
Linden Dictator Wimble Wimpy
2019 city and camp of Wisconsin Jr. Cow camp
Wisconsin Dells, Upham woods is the camp
Where is the Holstein breed originate
aids in clotting blood
Vit .K
watery discharge from eye, swelling, temporary bindness
Pink eye
First holstein cow inducted in to the Wisconsin hall of Fame
Colantha 4th Johanna
city and place of the 2019 Wisconsin Jr. Holstein convention
Sheboygan, Blue Harbor Resort
year Wisconsin Holstein Association was founded
associated with selenium
Vit E
round, thick, scales around the head and neck
winner of the Wisconsin Holstein Futurity in 2019
Floydholm MC Emoji ET
2019 Wisconsin Holstein Princess
Lauren Siemers
year the Junior Activities Committee was formed
aids in vison, and immune system
Vit A
usually after parturition, listlessness, lying on sternum with head turned toward flank
Milk fever
Grand Champion of the Wisconsin Jr State Fair
Siemers Pure Ki-Anna
president of Holstein USA
Corey Gieger
First secretary of Wisconsin Holstein Association
WJ Gillett
aids in bone growth and development
Vit D
one or two undescended testes
Gene Acres Felica May Furry
2019 elite Breeder Award
David Bachman Sr.
First President of the Wisconsin Holstein Association
CJ Evans
deficiency of this vitamin can cause white muscle disease
Vit E
uncloven hoof
mule foot