What is lactation in dairy cows?
When a cow produces milk after giving birth
most common in the U.S. and is known for its high milk production.
A dairy cow is typically given a break from milking during this period to allow for recovery before the next lactation cycle
Dry period
This dairy product is churned from cream, comes in various fat contents, and is commonly used as a spread or cooking ingredient.
This essential nutrient is required in large amounts by dairy cows to support milk production, bone health, and overall growth.
When is a cows prime lactation?
60-100 days after calving
Known for its high butterfat content, making it a favorite for cheese production.
This practice ensures that a dairy cow remains in peak reproductive health, typically involving estrus synchronization and timely insemination.
reproductive management
This dairy product is made by fermenting milk with specific bacterial cultures, and it’s a staple in many diets worldwide
This high-fiber feed is commonly used as the base of a TMR and includes hay, silage, or straw.
How long do cows lactate
about 10 months
This breed, which originated in Switzerland, is known for its muscular build and high milk yield, especially in mountainous regions.
Brown Swiss
This condition, often caused by poor diet or infection, can cause swelling and pain in the udder, requiring prompt management.
This dairy product is made by separating curds from whey, and it can be enjoyed fresh or aged, with varieties such as cheddar and gouda.
This class of nutrients, found in ingredients like alfalfa and grasses, is critical for proper digestion and overall rumen health in dairy cows.
What is a cows dry period
gives time for udder tissue to regenerate and prepare for the next lactation
Recognized by its golden-brown coat and is known for its high-quality milk.
This technique involves grouping cows based on their stage of lactation, health status, and production levels to optimize care and productivity.
grouping and herd management
This dairy product is a concentrated form of milk, created by removing most of the water, and is commonly used in baking and desserts
condensed milk
This fermented feed, often made from corn or grass, is a staple in a TMR and provides energy and fiber.
Which hormones are involved in lactation?
Prolactin, Oxytocin, estrogen, progesterone
This breed, a native to the United States, is particularly known for its longevity and resilience in dairy production.
Milking Shorthorn
This management practice focuses on the cleaning and sanitizing of the cow's udder before milking to prevent infections like mastitis
milking sanitation
This fermented dairy product is rich in probiotics and is commonly consumed for digestive health.
This protein is necessary for milk production and growth and must be supplied in sufficient amounts in a dairy cow’s diet.
crude protein