This is the Dakota word for the color white.
What is ska? (skah)
This is the Dakota word for dog.
What is s̀uƞka? (shooƞ-kah)
This is the Dakota word for the number six (6).
What is s̀akpe? (shakk-peh)
This is the Dakota word for Dad.
What is Ate? (ah-tey)
This is the Dakota word for head?
What is Pa? (pah)
This is the Dakota word for the color blue.
What is to? (toh)
This is the Dakota word for horse.
What is S̀uƞkawakaƞ or S̀uƞtaƞka? (shoon-kah-waƞ-kah or shoonk-taƞ-kah)
This is the Dakota word for the number eight (8).
What is s̀ahdoġan? (shah-doh-gha)
This is the Dakota word for Mom.
What is Ina? (ee-nah)
This is the Dakota word for nose.
What is Pasu? (pah-soo)
This is the Dakota word for the color red.
What is s̀a? (shah)
This is the Dakota word for deer.
What is Taḣc̀a? (tahk-cha)
This is the Dakota word for the number ten (10).
What is Wikcemna? (whik-chemna)
This is the Dakota word for Grandma?
What is Kun'si or Unci?
This is the Dakota word for eye.
What is Ista? (eesh-tah)
This is the Dakota word for the color yellow.
What is zi? (zee)
This is the Dakota word for fish.
What is Ḣoġaƞ? (ḣoh-ghaƞ)
This is the Dakota word for the number seven (7).
What is Sakowin? (shah-koh-wiƞ)
This is the Dakota word for Grandpa**
What is Tunkansi or Unkan? (toon-kahn-shi or oohn-kah)
This is the Dakota word for face.
What is Ite? (ee-tay)
This is the Dakota word for the color grey
What is Ḣota? (ḣo-tah)
This is the Dakota word for bird.
What is Zitkaƞna (zeet-kaƞ-na)
This is the Dakota word for the number nine (9).
What is Napcinwanka? (nahp-chee-waƞkah)
This is the Dakota word for your younger brother.
What is Misunka/Sun'ka/Misun? (soon-kah or mi-soon-kah)
This is the Dakota word for eyelashes.
What is Istaḣepe? (eesh-tahk-pey)