Important Dakota Terms
Oral Histories

Mni Sota Makoce is the Dakota term used to describe what in Minnesota...

The term is used to describe how clear the lakes are


In "The Badger and The Bear" how did the Badgers treat the bear and his family? 

"They were ________ to the bears"

They were generous or showed generosity to the bears.


Ohanwaste means generosity in Dakota. How did they show Ohanwaste to family members? (Many ways)

The Dakota showed generosity by...

-Using correct names

-Staying quiet in the tipi

-Giving to others without expecting anything in return


In "The Ghost Wife," the husband broke one of the many rules of the tipi. What rule did he break?

He broke the rule of never yelling in the tipi


A Dakota family was very large. They called these family groups "Tiyospayes." Who was included in a "Tiyospaye?"

Anyone that was Dakota could be included in your Tiyospaye


In "The Ghost Wife," the husband lost his wife and kids. Why did this happen?

He lost his wife and kids because he broke his promise to his wife. Promises are very important to the Dakota people