Fave shab activity
Playing games
name one big proposal no no. Every additional correct guess is 10 points... 3 total!
any one:
-flower petals on floor
- sign / poster
- public crowd / entire family watching
Where did they meet? Be specific!
The Old City Jeru
name dalya's exes
Shmuel and Meir
Dalyas favorite restaraunt dessert
Lava cake with ice cream
What wedding thing do Dalya and Max both have mixed feelings on
What did they dress as for Purim together?
name dalya's fling (non-ex)
Yoco (Yonatan)
Max and Dalya's favorite animals
Raccoon and Llama
what age did Dalya say she wouldn't get married until
21! if you can't legally drink, what are you doing? Oops
What month did they start dating?
two truths and a lie! - Dalyas exes include:
a) a communist
b) a chrons guy
c) a pothead
b) a chrons guy!
That is max
Dalya and Max's fave daily activity
NYT games
What happens if someone wears all white to the wedding (who isn't Dalya)
Nerf gun full of wine (or Saul causes a bloody nose)
What game did Dalya need to know to be a part of the Franklin family?
Max's Hebrew name is the same as who?
Favorite YU transit
the sluttle
will there be a wedding cake? if so, what type
no big wedding cake!
Where do Dals and Max go out to eat most? (extra 10 points if you get both the Israel spot too)
Craft Pizza (Israel)
whose party was the ex crossover episode
Rapha's birthday party