Elementary School Career Development
Middle and High School Career Development
Higher Education Career Development
This is the postmodern theory that is based off of the individual acting as a main character in their career plot line
What is Narrative Theory
This theorist was responsible for Vocational Personalities and Work Environments.
Who is John Holland?
These are the developmental stages that Erikson identified children between the ages of 4-6 and 6-12 as being in. He proposed that if these are not developed, children would experience guilt and inferiority.
What is Initiative and industry
Adolescents must do this between 12 and 18 years of age, according to Erikson.
What is clarify their identities?
This is the reason so many adults return to higher education.
What is to enhance career opportunities?
This is the segmented theory that uses the C-DAC model to help individuals identify their career concerns, examine their life role salience and clarify their self concepts
What is Life-Span, Life Space Theory
This theorist was responsible for the developmental theory of Life-Span, Life-Space
Who is Donald Super?
These are the most influential people in regards to career development among children.
Who are Parents?
Adolescents are typically preoccupied with belonging and are heavily influenced by this group of people.
What are peers?
This is the major role that career services professionals can help students with in higher education.
What is crystallize and implement career identities?
John Holland theorized that there are 6 types of personalities: realistic, investigative, social, enterprising, convention, and this other type
What is Artistic?
This theorist was responsible for the Learning Theory of Career Counseling
Who is John Krumboltz?
Through interactions with their peers, teachers, parents and community members, children begin forming this.
What is a Sense of Identity?
This is the first career development goal for middle school students.
What is enhance self understanding?
Other than section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, this is the federal law that has opened doors for many American's to return to higher education.
What is Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990?
This is the theory that specifies that early childhood experiences influence career behaviors, and that also uses an occupational classification system
What is Personality Theory of Career Choice?
This developmental/sociological theorist was behind the Circumscription, Compromise and Self-Creation theory.
Who is Linda Gottfredson?
This is the missing major developmental task that children must develop: increase personal control over their lives, convince themselves to achieve in school and at work, and develop competent work habits and attitudes.
What is becoming concerned about the future?
Savickas proposed career development interventions that focus on: orienting students' comprehension of careers, developing students' competence at planning and exploring, coaching students to develop effective career management techniques, and this.
What is guiding students in behavioral rehearsals?
This is the group of students that Pope, Prince, and Mitchell (2000) claim to have "encountered biased career information, may be reluctant to consider certain career options because of concerns about discrimination or negative stereotyping, and may need help in considering the advantages and disadvantages of coming out in the workplace."
What are Gay and Lesbian students?
This is one central element of Krumboltz's theory are unplanned, yet inevitable events that should be taken advantage of.
What is Planned Happenstance?
This theorist's research supported vocational personality, life themes, career adaptability and career style interviews.
Who is Mark Savickas?
This is the set of standards that links with other national standards, such as the National Career Developmental Guidelines?
What is the ASCA Standards?
The variable Marcia (1966) identified as "the extent that the individual is personally involved in, and expresses allegiance to, self-chosen aspirations, goals, values, beliefs and career options" (Muuss, 1998) is called this.
What is commitment?
The approach used in higher education for delivering a broad range of services, like career and personal counseling, testing and special functions with some advising services offered is called this.
What is a macrocenter?