The Lateral Muscles of the Hip are ..?
Gluteus Medius
Gluteus Minimus
Tensor Fascia
What is the difference between Intrinsic and Extrinsic muscles?
Intrinsic: both attatchment end are located in the same area.
Extrinsic: the attatchment ends are located in different regions.
What actions are possible on the Sagittal plane at the spine?
Flexion, Extension, and Hyperextension
What are the 11 joints?
What are the articulation points for the Knee?
Femur and Tibia
What is the primary function of the Peroneus Tertius for the Tarsus Joint?
What are the posterior muscles of the ankle?
which muscles can cause extension at the hip and flexion at the knee (on same leg)?
semitendinous, semimembranous, long head of biceps femoris
which muscles can produce flexion at the spine?
internal obliques
external obliques
which muscles or section of muscles can produce flexion at the shoulder and and flexion at the elbow on the same arm?
Biceps Brachii
which muscles or section of muscles can produce extension at the elbow joint?
Triceps Brachii
What is the primary action of the flexor digitorum longus at the tarsus joint on the combined planes?
what is the primary action of the tibialis anterior at the ankle joint on the sagittal plane?
Dorsi flexion
what is the primary action of the gastrocnemius at the knee joint on the sagittal plane?
what is the primary action of the illiacus at the hip joint on the transverse plane?
outward rotation
What is the primary funtion of the gluteus minimus at the hip joint on the frontal plane?
what is the primary action of the internal obliques at the torso on the sagittal plane?
what is the primary function of the rectus femoris at the knee on the sagittal plane?
what is the primary action of th external obliques on the transverse plane?
Rotation to the opposite side
what is the primary function or the tranversailies at the spine/torso?
Clinches the waist (deepest layers)
what is the primary function of the semitendinosus on the sagittal and transverse planes at the knee?
(s)-flexion (t)-inward rotation
what are the articulation point of the radioulnar joints?
Proximal- the head of radius and the radial notch of the ulna
Distal- the head of the ulna and the ulnar notch of the radius
what are the articulation points of the elbow?
Primary: humerus and the ulna
Secondary: humerus and the radius
List the ligaments of the knee:
Lateral Collateral
Medial Collateral
Annterior Cruciate
Posterior Cruciate
what are the articulation points of the hip and the ligaments?
Articulation points: acetabelum or the pelvis and the head of the femur
Ligaments: teres, illiofemral, ischiofemeral, pubofemeral