What does Tiger Hsu do?
He is a dancer.
someone who creates art (like paintings or drawings)
to get better at something
What famous food is made with bread, cheese and tomato sauce?
How old is Tiger?
37 years old
to feel pain or injury
What kind of work hours do dancers usually have?
They usually have flexible work hours.
What is the name of the large and famous park in New York?
Central Park
When did people start to notice Tiger?
After he started improving as a dancer.
to consider something carefully
think about
a dancer will learn and do many of these
What are two difficulties for dancers?
getting regular pay and (not) getting hurt
Where do many people go to celebrate New Year's Eve in New York?
Times Square
Where did Tiger's special work experience happen?
It happened abroad (in another country)
to measure how good you are at something
determination to do something and not give up
Why should dancers always be learning?
So that they can learn new moves and perform well.
What kind of bread is first boiled (cooked in water) and then baked in an oven?
a bagel
What does Tiger think people who want to become full-time dancers should do?
(there are two things)
They should set goals carefully and invest in themselves.
understanding of a topic or skill
to see or become aware of something
Besides performing, how do dancers often earn money?
by designing dances and teaching
What tall building in New York City has 102 floors?
The Empire State Building