Who began their dancing in California
Isadora Duncan
"The arc between two deaths"
Doris Humphrey
Who created the first "dance school"
Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn
Name Humphrey's work which used Bach
Air for the G String
Who had their work supported not in the US but in Paris
Loië Fuller
Who discovered dance through rehabilitation due to the diptheria virus?
Ted Shawn
What was the technique developed by a french musician
Delsarte movements of expression
Name of Isadora Duncan's chosen dancers to teach/restage repertory
Where was the Denishawn school located?
Los Angeles
Who drew inspiration from the soviet union?
Isadora Duncan
Which technique locates the solar plexis as inspiration for dancing
Title of Ruth St. Denis's piece inspired by the infamous cigarette poster
Where did "Radha" premiere?
NYC vaudeville theater
Who was involved with temperance speaking?
Loië Fuller
What physical practice inspired Isadora Duncan to develop a movement system
What is the name of the piece of choreography that drew inspiration from a bouncing ball?
Where did Ted Shawn and his male dancers find an artistic home?
Jacob's Pillow
Who created the Julliard Dance Department
Doris Humphrey
which choreographer was interested in technique codification but not repertory
Ted Shawn
What system of notation used symbols to record movements of the body