How many counts we count up to in dance?
Name two characters in “Save the Last Dance”
Sara Malakai
Derek Diggy
Chenille Kenny
Nikki Momma Dean
Demonstrate the first part of the warm up
Moving head from right to left
Name 3 different beverages people typically drink for breakfast
Orange juice
Apple juice
Hot chocolate
Name 3 different Latin dances
Salsa, merengue, bachata, Tango, mambo, cha-cha-cha, Samba, etc
What is a WINDOW in dance?
A window is when you’re able to see what’s in front of you without and objects and others can see you.
How did the main character mom pass away
She died in a car crash while trying to get to Sara’s audition
Demonstrate the whining/ freestyle section of the dance. You must go down for 8 counts and back up for 8 counts without falling
*Dancers will Demonstrate
What is 50% of 150?
Name two dance style that involves making noise with your hands, feet and other parts of your body.
Step, tap, strolling, etc
Bending your knees in African dance is important because?
Gives you more energy
Helps with beginning and changing a step
The movements are generally uses movement that requires low movement
*Double Jeopardy*
What school did the main character audition for?
Hold a plank for 25 secs
What planet is the closest to the sun?
This dance had everyone is the 80s dancing with flared pants, big hair and “groovy” moves
Disco dance
What is a choreographer?
A person who makes up a dance routine for others to perform or do. Does not need to be a professional
In two scenes, Sara is shown pulling out an item wrapped in paper. This item made her inspired to do what she loved most.
Ballet Shoes
*Double Jeopardy*
Demonstrate the part of the choreography where the movement is similar to dancing salsa
Example will be demonstrated
What is the only continent that has land in all 4 hemispheres?
Name 3 slow dance styles
Ballet, modern, contemporary, waltz, ballroom
What does it mean to “walk it through”?
To do the dance choreography to see what parts of the dance that needs worked on. Sometimes used to go through the movement
*Double Jeopardy*
While Chenille and her son were waiting at doctor's office, She told the Sara to open her eyes. She thought she was ignorance to what? (Relationship & environment)
Chenille thought she was ignorant about race and the reality of Derek’s and Sara’s relationship. Since her brother was not a negative influence to women, she believed that Nikki had a point of taking “all the good black men”. Especially since Sara is a white woman
Demonstrate "Dead man walking"
How does Mary Poppins fly?
An Umbrella
Name 3 of the most popular dance style around the world