What was the main character's name ?
John J. Dunbar
What was the name Lt. Dunbar gave to the lone wolf ?
Two socks
What item did Chief Ten Bears have from his grandfather's grandfather ?
A Spaniard's war helmet
The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I ?
"I've never known a people so eager to laugh, so devoted to family, so dedicated to each other"
Lt. John Dunbar
What item did Lt. Dunbar lose when gone to the buffalo hunt ?
A hat
What tracks were found laying next to the dead skinned buffalo ?
Wagon tracks
What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?
A penny
When stalking the buffalo, what device fascinates kicking bird ?
A Telescope
What does tatanka mean in the Lakota language?
What room do ghosts avoid ?
The living room
What was the name of Lt. Dunbar's horse ?
Who was dances with wolves ?
Lt. Dunbar
What belongs to you, but other people use it more than you?
Your name
What Indian tribe attacks the Sioux village ?
Who does Lt. Dunbar save from a charging buffalo during the hunt ?
Smiles A Lot
What is more useful when it is broken?
An egg