Friends and Family (Easiest)
Guitar (Easier)
Goals and Dreams (Medium)
Life (Harder)
Hobbies (Hardest)
Her name's Danielle, she's filipino, she loves dancing, and she likes most of the same food as me. She recently gave me flu shots while I was asleep and has the worst singing voice of all time.
What is Dane's mom?
My favorite type of guitar: either classical, acoustic, or electric.
What is acoustic guitar?
The name of the city I want to eventually live in. It's famous for its fish markets and massive homeless population.
What is Seattle?
My two biggest fears. One has to do with water, the other has to do with guitar.
What is drowning and playing in front of people?
Ok this one is super obvious. Has to do with music.
What is guitar.
His name is Todd, he makes terrible jokes, he's a veteran, he has a massive beard, and he's a huge supporter of my music.
What is Dane's Dad?
Another string instrument I play that is very similar to the guitar.
What is ukulele?
The job I eventually want to have. It involves computers and coding.
What is Programmer?
My favorite quote, because of how accurately is has applied to my life the past few months. Hint: It's supa generic and its from a movie.
What is "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get." -Forrest Gump
This one is kinda cheesy but its really fun. Hint: Costs a lot of money, usually in double form, and usually involves dinner and an activity.
What is dates.
Her name's Olivia, she's an avid dancer, and she looks nothing like me.
What is Dane's sister?
I've been playing guitar for this long.
What is 1 and a half years?
The amount of people I eventually want to play an original song in front of.
What is 3,000 people.
The two things I love most in the world.
What is guitar and friends.
Nerdy hobby but really fun. Hint: goes great with coffee and requires a computer.
What is coding.
One's name is MJ. He loves music, vlogging, and making double date plans with me then forgetting to bring a date. The second one's name is Jaxon. He loves to work and loves destroying my car, as well as breaking up with people. The last one is named Diego. He loves Buddhism, his truck, and stealing my truck because he knows where I keep the keys.
What is Dane's best friends?
This person introduced it to me and I used this program to learn it.
What is MJ and Yousician?
Something I've wanted to create for awhile: it would have 15 songs on it. It's name is the same as Lost Season 5, Episode 5
What is and album, called The Constant.
Something I used to have, and something I'm still not quite sure I'm over.
What is social anxiety.
A great summer activity. Hint: has to do with balance.
What is slacklining.
His name is Fin, he's really hyper and people say he looks like a wolf, and he loves being outside.
What is Dane's puppy?
The name of the original song I'm going to play for you guys. It starts with an I, it has 3 words, and the last is wrong.
What is I Was Wrong?
My ultimate goal in life.
What is happiness.
An era of my life where I was incredibly lonely, and how I came back from it. (This one is impossible to answer so whichever team chooses this one gets 500 points for free heheh)
What is a little story I'm about to tell ya guys.
The one you'll never guess because the fad died out like 4 years ago. Hint: lighthouse
What is kendama.