What is our mascot
What is our room number and how can you find our class
114 look for the US flag
What time does your first class start at
If you need to use the restroom or get water what should you do
Raise your hand
What is my favorite color?
Do we get to use the lockers
What should you be doing in CMC
Any work from your class that you have not finished. Homework, finishing tests, reading plus, Aleks etc.
About how long are your class periods
50 minutes
Where should your ID be
Around your neck
Name one of my favorite sports teams
Bonus if you can name them all
Houston Texans, Astros, Rockets
San Antonio Spurs
Texas Longhorns
Texas State Bobcats
What subject is mainly in the 300 building
Social Studies
World Cultures, Texas and US History
What will be written on the white board
Homework assignments, Upcoming Test, and other important due dates for class
What order do the lunches go in by grade
If you need to go to the nurse, library, counselor, or office what should you do and what do you need
Raise your hand and a pass
Where did I go to college
Texas State
What is our counselors name and where can you find them
Mrs. Trail can be found in the front office
What is the backroom mostly used for
taking test
What time does school end
True or False
You can have your phone out and ear buds out in the hallway
What is my number one place I want to visit
What are the names of our Principles
Mr. Holzmann
Mrs. Huebner
What subject was taught in our classroom before it was CMC
When are tutorials
Bonus points if you know the actual times
Before and After school
7:30-7:55am 3:30-4:00pm
When can you use your Chromebook for free time
When all of your work is done and you are caught up
How old am I
Older than You