Test #1
Test #2
Test #3
Test #4
Test #5 and #6

The two things the king gave his students to eat. 

What is meat and wine?


The common punishment for those who didn't follow King Nebuchadnezzar's orders. 

What is cut them to pieces and make their homes dunghills?


A sackbut is another term for this instrument. 

What is a trombone?


In the king's dream, a watcher and a holy one come down from heaven and do this to the tree. 

What is chop it down?


King Belshazzar and his revelers were drinking from these and it angered the Lord. 

What are the temple's vessels?


The two things Daniel asked if they could consume. 

What is pulse and water?


The two things the king demanded his wise men tell him or be put to death.

What he dreamed and the interpretation?


Sister Bird's dulcimer is on loan to this family.

Who are the Bergstrom's?


Daniel says that the tree in the dream is this person.

Who is the king?


Describe what happened in middle of King Belshazzar's great feast. 

What is a hand wrote a message on the wall?


The Jewish names of our four star captives.

Who are Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah?


The wise men told the king that this was the only person who could tell him what he wanted to know. 

Who is God/gods?


The measurements of the king's giant golden statue.

What is 6 cubits wide by 60 cubits tall?


In addition to losing his kingdom, Daniel prophesied that the king would be wet from dew and his hair would grow like  ___________  ____________ and his nails like _____________ ___________.

What are eagles feathers and bird's claws?


The king who threw Daniel in the lion's den.

Who is Darius?


The Babylonian/Aramaic names given to our captive Jews.

What is Belteshazzar, Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego?


This is how the Lord revealed King Nebuchadnezzar's  dream to Daniel. 

What is a night vision?


The result of the three friends not bowing down to the giant idol. 

What is they were thrown in the fiery furnace?


In addition to losing his kingdom, Daniel says that the king will become like this animal.

What is an oxen?


Though he didn't want a gift for the interpretation, this is what the king promised him. 

What is a scarlet robe and be a ruler in the kingdom?


The two groups of people that Daniel and his friends were wiser than. 

What are magicians and astrologers?


Describe King Nebuchadnezzar's dream. 

What is a statue with a head of gold, chest and arms of silver, belly and thighs of bronze, legs of iron, feet of iron "mixed" with clay. A stone struck the statue on the feet which then destroyed the whole thing. The stone then became a great mountain and filled the earth. 

After witnessing the miracle, the king made a decree that said that anyone that spoke anything against the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego would receive this punishment.

What is be cut to pieces and homes to dunghills?


There's no record of King Nebuchadnezzar ever going insane. Daniel 4 is most likely this king. 

Who is Nebonidus?


According to Daniel's interpretation, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, PERES means this. 

What is you've been numbered and it's finished, you've been weighed in the balance and come up lacking, and your kingdom will be divided between the Persians and the Medes.