Baby Songs
Baby Names
Baby Items
Baby Animals
Baby Records

This is the Disney movie that the lullaby “You’ll Be in My Heart” comes from. 

a) Moana

b) Tarzan

c) Toy Story



This female name is NOT from the Bible.

a) Miriam

b) Susanna

c) Charlotte

What is Charlotte


This is NOT a pacifier brand:

a) WubbaNub

b) ShutUp

c) MAM

d) NUK

What is ShutUp


The name for a baby goat.

What is kid


The record for most surviving children born in a single birth.

a) 6

b) 8

c) 10

What is 8


The name of the person who wrote this lullaby (listen to the audio example). 

Johannes Brahms


The most popular girl name in 2023.

a) Maeve

b) Olivia

c) Evelyn

What is Olivia


This was NOT listed on City Mom’s website for top baby products in 2023:

a) TushBaby hip carrier

b) MommyNap All Organic Sleeping Pills 

c) oogiebear Dual Nasal Booger and Ear Wax Remover

d) WONDERFOLD W2 Elite Double Folding Stroller Wagon

What is MommyNap All Organic Sleeping Pills


The name for both a baby ferret and a baby fox.

What is kit


The age of the oldest mother to conceive naturally, according to Guiness World Records.

a) 59

b) 65

c) 75

What is 59


This song from the musical The Sound of Music is often sung as a lullaby.

What is Edelweiss


34 years ago today, Daniella was born in 1990. This was the most popular girl name that year.

a) Stephanie

b) Jessica

c) Jennifer

What is Jessica?


This is NOT a real product on the market for helping kids potty train:

a) Toddler Target Bullseye Light

b) Potty iPad Stand

c) Wheel-Around Elephant Potty

d) Potty Training Urinal

What is Potty iPad Stand


The name for a baby koala.

a) Cub

b) Joey

c) Pup

What is Joey?

(Pup = mole, otter, rat, and bat. Cub = panda, tiger, and bear).


The weight of the heaviest baby on record according to Guiness World Records.

a) 22 lbs

b) 17 lbs

c) 29 lbs

What is 22 lbs


In “Hush Little Baby,” this is what Papa is gonna be you if that Billy goat don’t pull.

What is a cart and bull?


This is the meaning of the name Daniella.

a) Pure in heart

b) Rival

c) God is my judge

What is God is my judge


This bizarre baby product doesn’t actually exist:

a) Dingle Dangle Headband Baby Change Helper

b) Dwink Universal Drink Box Holder

c) Taco Tuesday Baby Toys

d) U and Me Connectable Leash Bracelets

What is U and Me Connectable Leash Bracelets


The name for a baby swan.

a) chick

b) gosling

c) cygnet

What is a cygnet?

(Gosling is for goose and chick is for chicken, hummingbird, and penguin)


The most children born to a single woman. 

a) 46

b) 58

c) 69

What is 69 

(In 27 confinements, she gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets and four sets of quadruplets. She lived in the 1700’s in Russia). 


The missing word below from the lullaby "All the Pretty Little Horses."

_____ and Greys, Pintos and Beys.  All the pretty little horses.

What is Dapples


In Ghana, every child is given a "day born name" based on the day of the week they are born.  AJ was born on a Wednesday, and this is his weekday name.

a) kweku

b) kofi

c) kwame

What is kweku


A slang word for a pacifier in northern England and Ireland:

a) Binkie

b) Pluggie

c) Dodie

d) Paci

What is Dodie


The name for a baby platypus. 

a) platypup 

b) calf

c) infant 

What is platypup?

(Calf= hippopotamus, elephant, moose, giraffe, cow; infant = monkey and baboon).


This is the Guiness World Record for number of surrogate babies born by a woman.

a) 13

b) 20

c) 5

d) 7

What is 13

Carole Horlock (UK) has given birth to 13 surrogate babies for 8 families, as of October 2019. Carole, 52, also has two daughters of her own. Among the surrogate babies she has birthed are one set of twins and one set of triplets.