Domain 1: Planning and Preparation
Domain 2: The Classroom Environment
Domain 3: Instruction
Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities
Mr. S. distributes a list of summer reading materials that would help prepare his 6th graders’ transition to middle school.
What is 1d Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources?
Mr. A uses a familiar timing devise, (his 3-2-1 bell signal) to alert students to return to their desks.
What is 2c Managing Classroom Procedures?
Students are given a task to do independently, then to discuss with a table group, and then to report out from each table.
What is 3c Engaging Students in Learning?
At the end of the lesson Mr. F says, “I guess that went okay.”
What is 4a Reflecting on Teaching?
Harmful and unsafe describes this level of performance.
What is the Unsatisfactory level of performance?
Ms. H plans to incorporate information about the history of the Holocaust when teaching a literature unit on Anne Frank.
What is 1a Demonstrating of Content and Pedagogy?
Ms. D says, “This idea is really important! It’s central to our understanding of history.”
What is 2b Establishing a Culture for Learning?
Students offer feedback to their classmates on their work.
What is 3d Using Assessment in Instruction?
Mr. B is the basketball coach, and is usually willing to chaperone the 9th grade dance because he knows all of his players will be there.
What is 4d Participating in a Professional Community?
Highly effective instruction which often involves students in the process describes this level of performance.
What is the Distinguished (or Excellent) level of performance?
After the cooperative group lesson, students will reflect on their participation and make suggestions for new group arrangements in the future.
What is 1e Designing Coherent Instruction
The students clap and cheer enthusiastically after each others' presentations.
What is 2a Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport?
Mrs. A asks, “Michael, can you comment on Mary’s idea?” and Michael responds directly to Mary.
What is 3b Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques?
Mrs. E creates a monthly progress report, which is sent home with each student.
What is 4c Communicating with Families?
She is the author of "The Framework for Teaching Evaluation Instrument".
Who is Charlotte Danielson?
Mr. J’s students will write a rubric for their final project on the benefits of solar energy; Mr. J has shown them several sample rubrics, and they will refer to those as they create a rubric of their own.
What is 1f Designing Student Assessments
The students ask whether they can shift the furniture to better suit the differing needs of small-group work and large-group discussion.
What is 2e Organizing Physical Space?
Mrs. C says, “Let’s try this way,” and then uses another approach.
What is 3e Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness?
When asked about their progress in a class, a student proudly shows her data file and can explain how the documents indicate her progress toward learning goals.
What is 4b Maintaining Accurate Records?
This Domain is considered "The Heart of the Framework".
What is Domain 3: Instruction?
Mr. A reviews the project expectations and modifies some goals so they are in line with students’ IEP objectives.
What is 1b Demonstrating Knowledge of Students?
Most of the student comments are supportive of their classmate, but when a student says, “That’s a crazy idea” about another student's comment, Mrs. B ignores it.
What is 2d Managing Student Behavior?
Mrs. D uses a Smart Board to display the steps to an activity so students can refer to it without asking.
What is 3a Communicating with Students?
Mrs. A notices some speech delays in a few of her young students; she calls in the speech therapist to do a few sessions in her classroom and provide feedback on further steps.
What is 4f Showing Professionalism?
This component ensures student learning will take place, and is considered the "Anchor Component" for Domain 3.
What is 3c Engaging Students in Learning?