What creatur(s) did Dani think she could talk to?
Name one of Dani's converts from her mission
Dani's answer
Favorite color
First base assignment
Eglin AFB
What is Dani's middle name in the church records? (As opposed to legal name)
What birthday did Dani receive Monty as a gift? (age)
5th Bday
What was Dani's major in college?
Second favorite past time with Sam
What is the food that all of Dani's kids hate
Mashed potatoes
Favorite scripture hero
Unnamed Nephite soldier who scalped Lamanite commander at the battle of the river Sidon
How old was Dani at the time of her fist kiss?
What did Dani propose as the BYU ROTC mascot?
Tiger Squirrel
Favorite restaurant (type of restaurant)
Chinese buffet
Seth's middle name
Dani's celebrity crush (growing up)
Reid from Criminal Minds (Matthew Gray Gubler)
What color was Dani's dress in the Nauvoo pageant?
Who was Dani's college roommate before her mission?
Favorite thing to watch on TV
Alien documentaries
How many houses have the Von's lived in since getting married
At which base did the Von's sleep under a slide in the rain?
Yokota AFB Japan
Dani's Favorite High School Class
Mr Barclay's Trigonometry or Art with Buggy
How many areas did Dani serve in?
Historical hero
Joan of Arc
What does "boomba" mean in the Von household?
What club is Dani currently a member of in her town?
Quilting club