what is the name of the dessert many people eat at christmas eve?
"rice putting" (riserlamande)
what do people do while dancing around the christmas tree?
what is the song where you sing about a mouse with a banjo?
Søren Banjemus
How many "Tidsrejsen" is there?
witch date do you celebrate christmas in Denmark?
24th of December
what do you normally eat with your "æbleskiver"
poudered sugar and jam
what is the name of the game called, where you use a dice to win gifts
"gift game" (pakkeleg)
who is singing the song "koldt udenfor"
Page four
what is the adventkalender called that has elf's that talk a mixstures of danish and english?
"the julekalender"
what is the religion christmas came from?
Christian religion
what type of cabbage do you eat for christmas?
red cabbage (rødkål)
what do you get if you find the almond in the riserlamande?
you will get the almond gift (mandel gave)
what is Rasmus Seebachs most famous christmas song?
"lille store verden"
what year did they play Tinka in televison for the first time?
in 2017
why do you celebrate christmas on the 24th?
because its the date Jesus got born
what do elfs in Denmark eat?
when is first and second christmas day?
the 25th and 26th
what is the name of the song where a elf sits on the in the adict, eating "risengrød"
"på loftet sidder nissen"
what is the most seen Advents calender in Denmark?
"alletiders jul"
what type of candy do some people decorate their christmas tree with?
what type of meat is most common to eat at christmas eve
duck is the most common to eat
What is the oldst christmast tradition?
"Christmas lunch" (jule frokost)
what is the most known christmas song in Denmark
"glade jul, dejlige jul"
what is the oldest Danish advents calender?
"børnenes jule-kalender from 1930"
what is the most common thing to eat at christmas lunch?