What does D.A.R.E stand for decision making?
Define, Assess, Respond, Evaluate.
What does cigarettes contain that makes you addicted?
What is nicotine.
Your best friend is getting bullied for not doing drugs what could you do?
You could tell them to stop bullying, don't do drugs, and stand up for them. (you can really say anything BUT it has to be helpful)
What is the most serious peer pressure of all?
What is bullying
What does the A in D.A.R.E stand for
Assess or Abuse
Where did the D.A.R.E program start?
Los Angeles, California
Smoking gives you bad ______ and ______ teeth.
What is breath and yellow.
Alcohol can __________ you.
What is kill
True or False: It’s okay to give in to peer pressure if it’s from your best friend.
What does the program D.A.R.E stand for?
Drug, Abuse, Resistance, and Education
Why is it important to say "no" to drugs?
Because it will get you far in life, make your body healthy. etc
True or False: Peer pressure can only be positive.
It is _______ to drink under the age of _______
illegal or unsafe and 19
What is the D.A.R.E lions name?
Daren the D.A.R.E lion!
True or False: Peer pressure can make it harder to say no to drugs.
True or False: Smoking can cause damage to your lungs and make it hard to breathe.
DARE helps you to say _____when some one offers you drugs.
Smoking gives you_______cancer.
What is lung
What does the R in D.A.R.E stand for?
Response or resistance
How can smoking cigarettes affect your health?
It can damage your lungs, body and affect your breathing.
True or False: It’s never okay to talk to an adult about someone using drugs or alcohol, even if they are your friends.
Why do some people choose not to drink alcohol?
To stay healthy or avoid getting in trouble.
If your friend is doing drugs you should tell_______________
a trusted adult.
What’s a fun activities you can do instead of using drugs or alcohol?
Play sports and hang out with friends that make good decisions. etc
What is "peer pressure"?
Peer pressure is when someone is telling you to do something that is bad like drugs/smoking/vaping.