Holy Roman Empire
Dark Ages
Carolingian Empire

When was the Holy Roman Empire founded?

A. 800

B. 400

C. 1200

D. 324.

A. 800

The formation of the Holy Roman Empire was initiated by Charlemagne's coronation as “Emperor of the Romans” in 800, and consolidated by Otto I when he was crowned emperor in 962 by Pope John XII.


What are the Dark Ages also called?

A: Migration Period 

B: Early Middle Ages 

C: Medieval Period 

D: Renaissance Dynasty

A: Migration Period or B: Early Middle Ages 

Known as the Migration period or the Early Middle Ages. The term the Dark Ages is rarely used by historians because of the judgment it implies.


 When did the Carolingian Empire exist?

A: 800-888 C.E   

B: 563-670 C.E.        

C. 486-768 C.E     

D. 800-876 C.E

A: 800-888 C.E

The Carolingian Empire was an empire during the Carolingian Dynasty during the early middle ages from 800-888 C.E. The Carolingian Empire was considered the early phase of history leading to the Holy Roman Empire.


What day was the Holy Roman Empire established?

A. December 24

B. December 25

C. January 1

D. January 7.

B. December 25

Christmas Day

It was created by the coronation of the Frankish king Charlemagne as Roman emperor by Pope Leo III on Christmas Day in the year 800, thus restoring in their eyes the western Roman Empire that had been leaderless since 476.


This major event caused the death of many people

A. Malaria 

B. Diphtheria 

C. Plague 


C. Plague

Today we call this disease the bubonic plague. Very few people get the disease today and most of those that do recover fine. When people got the disease in the Middle Ages, they almost always died. People would get really sick including black and blue blotches all over their bodies.


Where was the Carolingian Empire territory?

A. Western and Central Europe   

B. Europe   

C. Asia     

D. North Australia

A. Western and Central Europe

The Carolingian Empire territory was in Western and Central Europe that has tributary states and Frankish realms.


What was the Holy Roman Empire known for?

A. They spread Christianity

B. They spread Catholicism

C. They spread cheer and good health

D. They spread fear and terror.

A. They spread Christianity

The Holy Roman Empire ruled over much of western and central Europe from the 9th century to the 19th century. It envisioned itself as a dominion for Christendom continuing in the tradition of the ancient Roman Empire and was characterized by strong papal authority.


When did the Dark Ages occur?

A. 200 - 250 BC

B. 400 - 1500 AD

C. 1500 - 1600 AD

D. 500 - 1000 BC

B. 400 - 1500 AD

It occurred between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance. During the Renaissance, scholars, and thinkers began to call the preceding era the Middle Ages as it separated the culture of ancient Rome and Greece, and the Renaissance.


How did the Carolingian Empire Fall?

A. Rulers were lazy    

B. Arson burned the cities to ash    

C. Rulers were not capable of managing such a large empire       

D: Because Morgan decided to eat

C. Rulers were not capable of managing such a large empire

The Carolingian Empire collapsed because of the internal causes due to the rulers not being able to lead such a large government.


Where did the Holy Roman Empire rule?

A. Western and Eastern Europe

B. Central Europe

C. Europe, and Asia

D. Western and Central Europe.

D. Western and Central Europe

The Holy Roman Empire was located in western and central Europe and included parts of what is now France, Germany, and Italy.


What was the amour made with thousands of tiny metal rings?

A. Cuirass

B. Fauld

C. Chain mail 

D. Chain armour

C. Chain mail 

Chain mail was made from thousands of metal rings. The typical chain mail armor was a long cloak called a hauberk. Knights wore a padded cloak underneath the armor to help them carry the weight of the armor. A chain mail suit could weigh as much as 30 pounds.


What was The Carolingian Empire?

A: The last stage of history  

B: The time where people named caroline ruled the earth  

C: An empire during the early medieval realm of the Franks during the Carolingian Dynasty   

D: A time during the late medieval realm of the Franks during the Carolingian Dynasty

C: An empire during the early medieval realm of the Franks during the Carolingian Dynasty  

The Carolingian Empire was a time period during the early medieval realm of the Franks during the Carolingian Dynasty


Who created the Holy Roman Empire?

A. Charlemagne's

B. Pope Francis II

C. King Charles V

D. Pope Leo III

A. Charlemagne's

The formation of the Holy Roman Empire was initiated by Charlemagne's coronation as “Emperor of the Romans” in 800 and consolidated by Otto I when he was crowned emperor in 962 by Pope John XII.


Which ruler led France against the English, and won many battles?

A. Joan Of Arc 

B. Alfred The Great 

C. Marco Polo 

D. Charlemagne 

A. Joan Of Arc 

Joan of Arc grew up in a small town in France. Her father, Jacques, was a farmer who also worked as an official for the town. Joan worked on the farm and learned how to sew from her mother, Isabelle. Joan was also very religious. He was most well known for leading France against the English at a very young age. 


What was the capital city of this empire?

A. Charlemagne        

B. Aquisgrana            

C. Rosamond     

D. Nothing

D. Nothing

There was never a permanent capital city in the Carolingian Empire, although there was a famous court called the itinerant court being a well-known characteristic of Europe, the itinerant court acted as a kingdom in many parts of Europe and included a big palace.