Where is the place of the setting?
In Mars.
Why did the rockets stop coming from Earth?
Because there was an atomic war on Earth.
Which were some changes that the humans were having?
Their skin turned dark, their eyes golden, they were taller and skinner.
(the fear was never gone) It lay with Mr. Bittering and Mrs. Bittering, a third unbidden partner at every midnight talk.
What does the word "forlorn" mean?
Sad and lonely
When is the time of the setting?
In the future.
Why Mr. Bittering doesn't want to stay in Mars?
He thinks is not natural, they are from Earth. The moment they arrived to Mars he felt something was not right.
What did Harry's wife answer when Harry asked her, how long she had golden eyes?
That they have always been like this.
"I feel like a salt crystal," he often said, "in a mountain stream, being washed away."
What does the constantly blowing wind represent?
The power of Mars / change
Which is the last name of the family?
At the end of the story, what happens to all the Earthpeople who moved to Mars?
They all transformed into martians and didn't remember that they used to be humans.
How did they convinced Harry to go to the villas?
They told him it was really hot, and that he can continue building the rocket on autumn.
A river of wind submerged the house.
What does the rocket symbolize?
Earth / life on earth / hope
Which are the names of the family members?
Harry, Cora, Laura, Dan and David
Which are some examples of things Harry noticed were changing?
The cow grew a 3rd horn, the roses were green, the grass was purple, fruits and vegetables tasted and smelled different.
Which was the martian translation for father?
They leaped into the canal water, and he let himself sink down and down to the bottom like a golden statue.
When he looked at the peach blossom, he couldn't point out what was wrong exactly, but he knew something was _____. a. forlorn b. dwindle c. amiss
Who was the author of "Dark They Were and Golden-Eyed"?
Ray Bradbury
Which was the first change Harry noticed?
The peach blossoms.
How did the family know that rockets are no longer coming to Mars?
This is the moment Mars had waited for. Now it would eat them.
Thoughts of home tended to ______ after so many months on Mars. a. recede b. amiss c. flimsy