Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5 & 6

Give 2 input devices and 2 output devices

Input: keyboard, mouse, scanner

Output: monitor, printer, any storage device

What form contains patients demographic information and insurance information

Registration form


if the dentist ask you to schedule a patient for 4 units what other information do you need

the number of mins in the unit


What type of payments are considered cash payments 

Check, Cash, credit card, debit card


How is secondary insurance decided 

typically by whos birthday comes first

What are the benefits a small practice vs a large practice

Small practice allows for cross training and allows the assistant the opportunity to use multiple skills. While large practice allows assistant the opportunity to become an expert in a single area.

What are the 6 types of filling systems and an example of each of them

Alphabetic: Standardized by ARMA and establish consistent methods of filing

Numeric: Used for very large number of records, typically uses cross reference for identifying names

Geographic: According to the geographic location such as city, zip, or state

Subject: Allows retrieval of information according to the subject

Chronological: allow to locate documents according to date, month, or year

Electronic: any documents that are created, stored, and transmitted electronically 


When having a difficult patient what should be done when scheduling

allotting extra time for the patient 


Which level of collection is the collection letter sent

Level 3


What is a key difference between an HMO and a PPO plan

HMO plan requires you to go to a specific doctor while PPO allows you to pick from a list of doctors


What are the 3 types of resumes and what is their definition

Functional: Placing skills and abilities first according to importance

Chronological: arrange information in order of occurrence

Hybrid: combining the best features of chronological and functional resumes


Give the definition for diagnostic models and where they are stored

cast of patient's mouth, stored in a cabinet away from patient's clinical charts. 


When should children be scheduled

short and in the morning appointment


What should be thought of when setting up a storage area 

how often a product is used, where the product will be used, a method for locating supplies


Define the difference between accounts payable and accounts receivable

Account payable: all monies that the dental practice owes to others 

Account receivable: all the financial transaction between a patient and the dental practice 


If correct ergonomics is not established, what potential work-related problem can occur.

Work-related musculoskeletal disorder


Index these patients:

George A Bush Jr

Abby Danny Bingo

Dr. John B Ross 

Bush George A Jr

Bingo Abby D

Ross John B Dr. 


What procedures are considered continuing care 

examination, prohpy, radiographs


Define and give one example of Consumable, non consumable, and major equipment.

Consumable: Items that are used and must be replenished, any items that are are disposable

Non Consumable: Supplies that can be reused for a specific length of time before they must be replaced; instruments, handpieces, and small equipment 

Major equipment: Any equipment that can be used longer that 1-2 years; dental chair, x-ray machine, lab equipment


What is an acceptable method for voiding a check

Writing VOID on the main portion of the check, on the endorsement portion, ripping the signature off of the check 


Define an information system

The combination of equipment, software, data, personnel, and procedures for processing information


What are the two types of inactive filling and the difference between them.

Perpetual: identifies files that have been inactive for a predetermined length of time that no longer need to be quick referenced. 

Periodic: typically done with business files and is done at a determined time. The files are placed in a box and placed in storage


Give the 3 recall systems and define them 

Mail: requires mailing of recall cards to patients to remind them that they are due in the dental office

Phone: requires the assistant to call each patient before the month in which he/she is due for the recall appointment

Automated: uses the data of the patients chart to schedule and track recall patients, saving the dental practice time and money 


in order for the collection agency to take over the charges the practice will have to pay ___ 

30-50% that is due 


Give two fraudulent insurance billing, their definitions

Representation of fee: giving a patient a false or misleading representation of fees

Waiver of Copayment: not collecting the patient copayment, considering overbilling

Overbilling: increasing a fee to a patient solely because the patient is covered under insurance

Fee Difference: fee should not be difference depending on if the patient has insurance or not 

Treatment Dates: summiting a claim that isn't on the day the treatment was done to get the maximum benefits under their dental plan 

Dental Procedures: incorrectly describes on a claim in order to receive a greater payment 

Unnecessary Services: performs unnecessary dental services or procedures