College Nicknames/Mascots
College Terminology
College Finances
UNR History
The Mostest
UNR is represented by the Wolf Pack; Nevada's southern university is known by this team name.
What are the Rebels?
A baccalaureate is also known as this type of degree
What is a bachelor's degree?
The FAFSA stands for this
What is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid
This San Francisco 49er quarterback is arguably UNR's most notable graduate
Who is Colin Kaepernick?
This is the oldest university in the United States
What is Harvard U? (1636)
Teams at the University of Oregon were originally known as the webfoots, but they adopted this fowl name in the 1940s
What are the Ducks?
This term referring to a former student or graduate of an institution comes from the Latin 'alere'
What is an Alumnus/Alumni?
The most common, need-based grant offered by the federal government is known as this
What is the Pell Grant?
The University of Nevada, Reno was founded in this year (margin of error +/- 5 years)
What is 1874 (1869-1879)
Vassar College boasts the most expensive annual tuition in the United States. How expensive is one year of classes at the school? A.) $30,000/year B.) $51,000/year C.) $65,500/year D.) $80,000/year
What is B
The hellaciously hot climate of the Sonora desert influenced the teams at Arizona State to be called this
What are the Sun Devils?
This is the degree awarded by a junior/community college
What is an associate degree?
The financial aid program that awards you money to work on-campus is called this
What is work-study?
The University of Nevada was originally founded in this eastern Nevada town
What is Elko?
The school that boasts the largest undergraduate enrollment (51,269) is located in this state
What is Florida? University of Central Florida
No, teams at the University of Idaho are NOT called the potatoes; but are instead known as this term, also known as someone who is responsible for the defiling of property
What are the Vandals?
An MBA stands for this, and was born out of the need for US industries and companies to seek scientific approaches to management
What is Masters of Business Administration
What is a subsidized loan?
A loan in which the government pays the accrued interest as long as you remain enrolled in school
One of these colleges/schools doesn't exist at UNR; name it: College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources | Donald W. Reynolds School of Journalism | Mackay School of Dentistry | Orvis School of Nursing | National Judicial College | Nevada School of the Arts
What is Mackay School of Dentistry? Bonus: The Mackay School DOES exist, however, it's the Mackay School of ________
The largest campus by land mass in the United States is this university, located in nearby in Palo Alto, CA
What is Stanford U?
This nickname for UC Santa Cruz sports teams could also be described as the "potassium-loaded fruit, lethargic snaillike creatures!"
What are the Banana Slugs?
How many credits does it take to complete a typical bachelor's degree?
What is 120
The FAFSA calculates a figure known as the EFC, which stands for this
What is the Expected Family Contribution
25 gallons of white paint, 40 brooms and mops, and a dozen sponges are necessary for this activity at UNR, which happens every year before the start of every UNR football season
What is the painting of the N
At an elevation of over 10,000 feet, this state's Mountain College is the highest campus in the country
What is Colorado?