Data Fundamentals
Data Visualization
More Data Visualization

A healthcare provider compares their patient's hemoglobin to this value to determine the patient's relative health.

What is the range?


An office staff administered an incorrect immunization and used this tool to document the cause and effect to identify whether material, method, employee etc. should be improvement focus.

What is a fishbone diagram?


The type of chart is commonly used to show the distribution of a single continuous variable over time and may be seen with monitoring temperatures in a vaccine refrigerator hourly?

What is a histogram?


The pharmaceutical company wants to compare patient responses to a weight loss medication where one group uses a placebo and the other group uses the medication. The data tool to use is...

What is a t-test?


The health plan compares their members with highest risk scores with hospitalization data to determine if there are any correlations.

What is a stratification chart?


The score which occurs most frequently and could be used to measure the typical time frame when waiting to receive a referral report from a specialist.

What is mode?


Name a data tool an office manager can use to monitor their average daily patient appointment wait times over an extended timeframe to identify issues as they occur.

What is a control chart?


A series of bars visualizing data with the tallest bar identifying the highest number of immunization care gaps by vaccine type.

What is a pareto chart?


The healthcare provider uses a patients age, BMI, family history of diabetes and current hemoglobin A1c level to predict the potential of diabetes development. 

What is regression analysis?

A growth chart used by a pediatrician is an example of.

What is an interpercentile measure?


The measure of central tendency that corresponds to the middle score which is not impacted by extreme scores. Real estate agents use this measure to value homes.

What is the median?


A variety of measures compared to specific target values in different domains used to report how a provider is meeting the standards internally to leadership and to the public.

What is a balanced scorecard?


Used to illustrate the percentage of responses to a social determinants of health screening tool visualized in the form of a circle.  

What is a pie chart?


A test to compare observed results with expected results such as a new treatment reduces mortality more than a placebo.

What is chi-square test?


The ASQ-E tool was validated as measuring the five domains of developmental screening by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

What is content validity?


The statistical measure is used to describe the average value of a dataset in healthcare analytics which an office manager could use when analyzing patient appointment wait times.

What is the mean (average)?


The organization created this tool to collect data from provider office visits to improve performance.

What is a dashboard?


The tool used to monitor data points over time to identify trends or unusual changes in data. The nursing home monitors the assisted living admissions monthly and identifies a decrease in the fourth quarter of the year.

What is a run chart?


A range of values that may be used to describe the uncertainty around a point estimate of a quantity such as a mortality rate.

What is a confidence interval?


Each day the physician asks the hospitalized patients to rate their pain level on a scale of one to ten. 

What is construct validity?


The pharmaceutical company tracks patient responses to a new medication to determine the effectiveness identifying variability and looks at this tool.

What is standard deviation?


The large multi-site cardiology group uses this tool to compare their HEDIS scores with a competitor cardiology group for performance improvement opportunities.

What is benchmarking?


Used to visualize how two variables relate to each other such as how often patients exercise and blood pressure levels.

What is a scatter diagram?


The health plan uses this tool to determine the probability that the improvement result reported from their patient outreach program happened by chance or is truly related to the outreach.

What is level of significance?

Comparing a team member's job performance self-assessment with the ratings from peers and people leaders. 

What is criterion-related validity?