What am I?
What does that mean?
Mean, Median and Mode
Discrete and Continous Data
Qualitative or Quantative

What type of graph is this?

Bar graph


How many boys were surveyed? Were more boys asked than girls?


No the same amount of girls and boys were surveyed. 


What is the mode for this set of numbers: 

7, 7, 0, 14, 0, 7, 14

Mode- 7

Step 1: What number appears the most? 7 appears the most so I know 7 is the mode. 


Items purchased at a grocery store is discrete or continuous data?

Continuous data. You can buy anything at a grocery store!


favourite colour is qualitative or quantitive data?



What type of graph is this?

Double bar graph


Hw many students have birthdays in the summer?

7 students 


What is the mode for this set of numbers:


Mode- 4

Step 1: What number appears the most? 4 so this is the mode.


True or False: Numbers of computers in a school is continuous data? You can count them!

False. It is Discrete Data: 


sales of a new game are quantitative or qualitative data? 



What type of graph is this?

line graph


What day of the week were the most muffins sold? The least?

Most: Sunday

least: Monday and Wednesday 


What is the mean of this set of numbers:

2, 1, 1, 5, 6 

Answer: 3

Step 1: Add all numbers together                            2+1+1+5+6= 15 

Step 2: Divide by how many numbers there are     15 divide by 5=3



The average height of 6th-grade students is what kind of data?

continuous data 


Types of pets are qualitative or quantitative data?

Qualitative: it is a category or type!


What type of graph is this and what is it used for?

stacked bar graph. It is used for comparing data. Each bar represents something different. 


When did the rain the most? Which month was the highest temperature?

October was the month is rained the most. 

July was the highest temperature. 


What is the median for this set of numbers: 3, 4, 9, 7, 7

  • Median: 7


Step 1: Place all numbers in order least to greatest    3, 4, 7, 7, 9

Step 2: Find the number in the middle.  This number is the median. The middle number is 7 so I know the median is 7. 


True or False: Continous data is data that can be measured on an infinite scale, It can take any value between two numbers, no matter how small.


Continuous Data can take any value (within a range)


  • A person's height: could be any value (within the range of human heights), not just certain fixed heights,

True or False: The number of students in a classroom and number of rainfalls in a year is a type of qualitative data.

False: This is quantitative data. It can be counted and is numerical. 


What are scatter plot graphs used for?

shows a pattern

relationship between two sets of data


How many ice cream bars were sold altogether from winter, spring, summer, autumn. 

$141.00 dollars


What is the median for this set of numbers:

3, 12, 18, 12, 7, 12, 6



Step 1: Place all numbers in order least to greatest    3, 6, 7, 12, 12, 12, 18

Step 2: Find the number in the middle.  This number is the median. Middle number is 12 so I know the median is 12. 



True or False: Discrete data is data that we can count. For example The number of students in a classroom.

True. Discrete data is data we can count! It has certain values.


True or False: Eye colour, type of candy, and favourite movies is a type of qualitative data?

True: Qualitative data is data that can be organized into types of categories.

It is data that can be measured.