Frequency Tables
Dot Plots

The frequency table below represents the number of coffee cups sold at a time from a popular coffee stand.

What is the most frequent number of coffee cups sold at a time?

5 coffee cups


The line plot below shows how many minutes 4th Grade students read last night for homework.

What is the most frequent number of minutes read? How many students read for that many minutes?

20 minutes, 8 students


A class was surveyed on their favorite color. Create a frequency table to organize their data.

Blue, Red, Blue, Blue, Pink, Purple, Green, Green, Pink, Red, Blue, Pink, Purple, Purple, Green, Yellow, Red, Red, Yellow,  Blue, Red, Orange  

Blue- 5

Red- 5

Green- 3

Yellow- 2

Pink- 3

Purple- 3

Orange- 1


A dictionary has a mass of about 2.5 kg. Which object has a mess closest to the mass of a dictionary?

A. Bicycle

B. Pair of boots

C. Refrigerator

D. Bag of chips

G. Pair of boots 

*1 kg equals about 2 lbs. 


Which institution is known for lending money to people and businesses? 



The frequency table below shows the number of hours that 4th and 5th Grade teachers at CSS get every night.

How many teachers get the greatest amount of sleep?

4 teachers


A scientist observed various frogs and how far they each hopped in feet. He created a line plot based on his findings. Each X=1 frog.

How may more frogs hopped more than 2 feet, but less than 5 feet?

10 frogs


The stem and leaf plot shows the scores given to the dogs at a dog show. Possible scores were between 0.1 and 5.0. *Key- 1| 5 means a score of 1.5

0| 8 

1| 2 5 

2| 2 4 8

3| 0 3 3 6 8 

4| 0 5 5

What is the different between the highest score and the lowest score shown in the stem and leaf plot?



Christian began reading at 6:43 P.M. He read for 1 hour and 58 minutes. What time did he stop reading?

7:41 pm


The Lang family has an electric heater and air conditioner. During the summer months, the family's electric bill is as  high as $368. The bill is as low as $178 during the fall and spring months. The bill is as high as $415 during the winter months. What type of expense is the electric bill and why?

Variable expense because it goes up or down depending on the season. 

The frequency table below shows the number of hours of sleep that 4th and 5th Grade teachers at CSS get every night.

How many teachers receive between 5 and 8 hours of sleep per night?

17 teachers


The school secretary made a line plot to show how many days all of the students in Mrs. Delaney's class missed last year.

There is a school rule that states that the amount of days you are allowed to miss school is 4. What fraction of students in her class broke this rule?

11/35 students


Jason and nine of his friends measured their weights in pounds. Jason recorded the weights in the list below. 

Jason: 85 lbs, Roman: 93 lbs, Carlos: 75 lbs, Austin: 88 lbs, Isaiah: 74 lbs, Lamar: 85 lbs, Guang: 100 lbs, Enrique: 68 lbs, Sadka: 83 lbs, David: 97 lbs

Create a stem & leaf plot to show this information. 

6  | 8

7 | 4 5 

8 | 3 5 5 8

9 | 3 7

10 | 0 


The distance between Henry's house and his school is 648 feet. How many yards are equivalent to 648 yards?

216 yards


Justin paid $128 for a rare stamp and $450 for a rare coin 6 years ago. If Reshay pays Justin $800 for the stamp and coin, what will Justin's profit be?



The frequency table below shows the grades that Billy Joe Bob received on math tests throughout the first nine weeks of school.

If a 90 is the average grade on tests in math class, how many times did Billy Joe Bob score below the class average?

12 times


A scientist observed various frogs and how far they each hopped in feet. He created a line plot based on his findings. Each X=1 frog.

What is the total number of feet hopped by all frogs that were observed?

47 feet in all


The frequency table shows the favorite school lunches of some students. The table is missing the information for the number of students who chose a hamburger.

Pizza- 32

Hamburger- ?

Chicken- 13

The number of students who chose a hamburger is half of the number of students who chose pizza. How many students chose a hamburger or chicken 

29 students


How many cups are in 7 quarts?

28 cups


What is interest on a loan?

An additional fee that the borrower of money, pays to the lender of the money. 


The frequency table below shows the grades that Billy Joe Bob received on math tests throughout the first nine weeks of school.

What is the difference between Billy Joe Bob's most frequent test score and his least frequent test score?



The line plot below shows how many minutes 4th Grade students read last night for homework.

How many total minutes did the students read altogether?

8 hours 5 minutes


Karnika recorded the number of minutes she practices volleyball each week for several weeks. She used a stem and leaf plot to organize the data. 

14 | 0 2 2 

15 | 5 5 

16 | 0

Based on the data, what is the amount of time in minutes Karnika practiced Volleyball?

894 minutes


Tyra opened a new bag of birdseed and filled 3 bird feeders. She put 2,500 grams of birdseed into each feeds. There were 1,500 grams of birdseed left in the bag. What was the mass of the bag of birdseed in kilograms before Tyra opened it?

9 kg


Zariah makes and sells doghouses. To make one, she has the expenses listed below. 

Wood: $15.00, Screws: $3.25, Roof Tiles: $8.65, Carpet: $2.25

If she sells one doghouse for $50.00, what will be her profit in dollars?

$20.85 profit