Runway 31: Maintain at or below 4,000 MSL until departure end of the RWY, then turn right heading 040 degrees, climb and maintain 6,000 MSL and contact approach on 259.1.
Runway 13: Maintain at or below 4,000 MSL until departure end of the RWY, then turn left heading 040 degrees, climb and maintain 6,000 MSL and contact approach on 259.1.
Per the 7110.65AA, a terminal departure strip includes which information in block 7?
Requested altitude.
Identify the highest MVA in RCA approach airspace and the altitude aircraft must be at between the 200 and 310 radials.
What does the Mode-C portion of a transponder provide?
Altitude information.
Dakota Air Traffic Control Facility
5,000 MSL. East break (Right turn off 31, left turn off 13)
Per the 7110.65AA, a terminal departure strip includes which information in block 5?
Secondary radar (beacon) code assigned.
Identify the maximum interception angle for an aircraft on the ILS 2 miles or more from the approach gate.
30 degrees (45 degrees for helicopters)
Radar Approach Control
Identify local aircraft priorities.
1. IFR Mission Departures
2. IFR Arrivals
3. The 28BW training flights operating under Visual Flight Rules (VFR)
4. Civilian practice approaches
What color pen is required when marking opposite direction information on a flight progress strip?
Describe the Rapid City and Ellsworth DVA.
Rapid City - 46NM radius around Rapid City airport.
Ellsworth - 46NM radius around the DASR.
Which VFR beacon codes are delegated to Ellsworth Approach?
Chief Controller
Overhead - Less than 2,200
Rectangular - Less than 1,700
What does a "M" in block 4 of a flight progres strip indicate?
Mount Rushmore Deviation.
True/False adder reaching the first MVA/MIA sector, all subsequent MVA/MIA sectors encountered must be met.
How many feet must a pilot reported altitude be within for a mode C readout to be valid?
Less than 300 feet.
NCO (Non Commissioned Officer in charge) of Air Traffic Control training
Identify class D airspace and the dimensions for RCA and RAP.
Typically surface - 2,500ft AGL with a 5nm radius.
RCA - SFC-5,900 5.9nm radius
RAP - 5,800 4.4nm radius
Vector aircraft in controller airspace for separation, safety, noise abatement, operational advantage, confidence maneuver, or when _ _____ _______
A pilot requests.
Phraseology for inoperative/malfunctioning transponder.
Your transponder appears inoperative/malfunctioning, reset, squawk (appropriate code).
NCOIC (Non Commissioned Officer in charge) of Standards/Evals