Date Nights
Common misunderstandings
Communication 101
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You're on a second date, and you bring up with a relationship possibility with the person you're seeing. They laugh. Do you take them on a third date?

I wouldn't because they laughed at you


Come up with a cool outdoor date night idea on the fly

Literally anything as long as its good


What is a common misunderstanding about discussing feelings in a relationship?

You may think that sharing feelings may lead to an argument

What type of listening involves not just hearing words, but also understanding emotions and context?

Active listening


You're on a first date and your date speaks politely about past relationships

Green flag


First date! When a person shares their goals and dreams on a date and the other responds with “That’s cool,” what might this indicate? 

This could be perceived as disinterest in your goals aka not good


One person wants to go out for a date, the other wants to stay in. How do we compromise here?

Set up a two in one date that meets both peoples' wants


You think your partner is upset, you ask if they're ok, they say "I'm fine". What are you saying next?

Politely express your concern that they're not actually ok, and that you're open to listening if they want to talk about anything


Your partner wants to talk about something, but you're really busy.. what do you do

Convey that they are still a priority for you and set a time to talk


They had to cancel a date with you because they had to help a friend in crisis

Green flag, as long as it don't happen often


The person you're talking to makes plans with you often but also cancels them a lot. Are they actually committed?

Meh. I doubt it.


It's your first date! You're going out to dinner. Who pays?

Discuss it beforehand it do whatever is best for both peoples' finances


What is a common misinterpretation of texting habits in the early stages of dating?

Assuming a lack of response means disinterest, when it could be due to busy schedules or personal issues


You keep hinting to someone that you like them, but they don't seem to pick up on it. What do you do

Actually explain how you feel. It ain't easy but you only live once

The person you're talking to is on pretty good terms with their ex and talks to them often

Red flag


You've been talking to someone and they only ever text you at night and don't really talk to you in person. What does this mean?

They may not have the best intent for an actual relationship my guy


You've been on five dates with a person... they haven't brought up a relationship status. Seems they've been avoiding it for some reason. How do you bring it up?

In private and in person, share your feelings.


Is the sentence " I need space" a rejection?

Not inherently, could be they need alone time to process thoughts


Your partner feels that you joke too much about serious topics regarding your relationship. What do you respond?

Listen to their feelings, apologize, come to an understanding of how to avoid this conflict together


You've been talking for a few weeks, their friends don't know about you



You're on a first date and the other person only talks about themselves. You can barely get a word in. What does this mean?

Debatable - they're either a narcissist or just really excited


During a double date, if one couple starts arguing, what do you not do? 

Get into the argument. Don't recommend


Why might someone say “I don’t want to rush into anything” and still be seen as not interested?

It can seem like they are trying to let you down easy or show lack of commitment instead of just being concerned about the pacing of the relationship


How can stress affect your communication with a partner?

Stress can occupy the brain and make someone non-receptive to a conversation 


Being straightforward and honest about how you feel about someone

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