Friend Zone
Dating Etiquette
Bae or Nah?

At what age can we start dating?

Sixteen! This is based on principles of physical, emotional, and spiritual safety. Go in groups or on double dates while in high school.


They don't like me - what's wrong with me?

Nothing! Part of dating is finding someone who likes you for who you are. If this isn't that person - keep looking!


What is the best way to ask someone out?

Directly! Whether in person, by phone or via text, make it clear that you are asking them on a date for a specific day or activity.


Who should pay?

It depends! In general, the person who asks for the date is responsible to either pay, or to let their date know in advance that everyone will pay for themselves. This gives the date a chance to prepare or to suggest a less expensive plan


How can I attract someone great?

Be yourself, and be your best self! Not everyone will like you back, but when you are your best self you give opportunities for people to get to know you for who you really are, and like that person.


What should you wear on a date?

Dress your best, with clean, well-kept and modest clothes. This is a way of showing respect to the ones you are with. 


What if I'm not interested in a person who invites me on a date?

Be polite and straightforward if you choose to decline. If you're not sure, tell them you need some time to think and you'll give them an answer within a few days.

OR, give them a chance! You never know, you may change your mind after getting to know them better!


Is it okay to say "no" to a date?

Yes. Be clear and kind when declining a date. Use "I" statements (Thanks for the offer, but I'm not interested.) instead of "You" statements (You have terrible breath.)

Should girls ask guys out?

Sure! Whoever is asking should be direct and clear that they are asking the person on a date.


I like him/her - what now?

Spend time with them, find common interests, consider going on a date to learn more about them in person!


When is it okay to hold hands or kiss?

If two people hold hands all the time, it’s like announcing that they’re a couple, or dating exclusively, which shouldn't be the focus of dating, yet!

There’s no rule, but it’s wise to save your kisses. Once a couple begins to share affection in a physical way, this activity tends to become the focus of interest.


Is a group date as serious as a single date?

In general, single dates are more serious than group dates. As teenagers, the goal of ANY date should be to keep it light, have fun and build friendships.


What if someone I really want to go with asks me after I've already accepted another date?

Tell the second person that you would like to go out with them another time. Keep your date with the first person without making them feel badly


Is an inexpensive date okay or not?

Absolutely! Inexpensive activities like playing games, planning a picnic, going on a hike or trying a hobby are great ways to get to know your date while having fun! If your date is over a meal time - plan ahead!


How do I know if I will be compatible with someone?

Going on a casual group date or two is a great way to find out! Look for shared interests, values and goals.


Is it okay to have a boyfriend/girlfriend before we're 18 or go on missions?

The goal of dating as teenagers should be to have fun, cultivate friendships and meet lots of people to discover things you do and don't like. Serious relationships can limit other friendships and can make physical relationships more tempting - consider keeping things lighter! 

Avoid going on frequent dates with the same person. You’re not yet ready for marriage, so steady dating has no real purpose yet. And people in that kind of exclusive relationship will probably want to begin to express their feelings physically.


How do you get out of a bad date?

If the group or activity makes you uncomfortable, ask your date to take you home or change activity, or be ready to call for a pickup. If you're just not having a good time, think about how you can help the situation without being rude to your date.


What do I talk about on a date?

Comment and ask questions to start a conversation. Open up to him/her about your thoughts/feelings on a subject and then ask theirs. Ask thoughtful questions about their responses. Find out about the person's interests to see what you have in common. Don't be afraid to talk about the gospel, and also about totally random topics!


What kind of dates are fun and appropriate?

Think simple! Go on dates that will allow you to communicate with one another, get to know more about each other, and strengthen the relationship you share. A picnic or scavenger hunt is a great way to bond. Walks or hikes give opportunities to appreciate what's around you. Athletic activities such as bowling are very enjoyable.


Is the point of dating to get married?

As a teenager, the point of dating is to make friendships, learn skills and life lessons, and most importantly - to have fun!


Should I go on a date with someone who isn't LDS?

Possibly, but don't date anyone (LDS or not) who has low moral standards. Dating people with high standards can turn into wonderful relationships.


How do I maintain friendships when I have a bf/gf?

If you're still in high school, go on group dates with your friends!

If you're older and in a more serious relationship, manage your time and pay attention to it. Intentionally reach out and make time for your friends as well as your bf/gf.


How do I know if we're just friends or something more?

By saying the question out loud! It might feel vulnerable or awkward to start the conversation, but learning to communicate directly in relationships is part of growing up, and is the best way to actually get the information you want.


Why is it important to plan a date?

Planning the date activity in advance shows respect and consideration for your date. It also helps prevent awkward situations like a movie being sold out, and creates a sense of safety because your date can tell people what they'll be doing.


What are some components of a successful relationship (list 5 C's)?
