Active Listening
Online Dating
Preparing for the Date
Date ideas
Talking on the Date

What facial feature can make it apparent that you are paying attention to your date?

Eye Contact


True or False: We should put our addresses and phone numbers on our dating profiles.



True or false: Different dates require different types of clothing and shoes.

True! Wear sneakers for an active date, or dress clothes for a fancy dinner


You and your date love to be active. Name some date ideas.

A walk in the park, hiking, ice skating, a sporting event, mini golf, bowling, etc.


True or False: It's okay to talk about yourself the entire first date?

False- ask questions to make the date feel like you're interested in them.


True or False: It is appropriate to be on your phone during a date?



What is a physical trait versus a personality trait? List an example for each.

Physical qualities describe how we look on the outside (ex. tall, blonde, muscular)

Personality traits describe who we are on the inside (ex. smart, funny, kind)


Define hygiene and what it involves before a date.

Hygiene is making sure you are clean and presentable in your physical appearance and health. Before a date, one should do the following to have good hygiene:

Shower, brush teeth, brush hair, put on deodorant, dress in nice clothes, etc. 


You and your date aren't the active type. Name some date ideas.

Going out to dinner/coffee/ice cream, going to the movies, etc.


True or False: Conversation flow should give and take, and be about 50/50 split between the two people on a date.

True- both people want to learn about their date, but also feel heard and valued.


The conversational tool we use to continue the conversation after a statement has been made

Follow up questions


True or False: it is okay to lie about things like your age, appearance, or interests online?



True or False: it is a good idea to text or call your date for confirmation of your plans (date, time, and meeting location) before going?



True or false: you should talk to your date online for awhile before meeting so you can get a good idea of who they are and what they'd like on a date.



Small talk is important on a first date. Name any two basic questions you would ask a person to get to know them better?

What do you do for work?

What do you like to do for fun?

Tell me about your family?

Do you like animals?

Favorite type of music?

Do you like to travel? If so, where's your favorite place to travel to?


True or False: Getting off topic or changing the subject that your date was discussing before they are finished is a sign of good active listening.



True or False: When looking for potential dates online we should look for people who we share common interests with, and who have qualities that we look for in a person.



True or False: You should plan a date of doing something you like to do, and just surprise your date.

False: It will be helpful to ask your date about their interests so that the date can be enjoyable for both of you. Also, so that they can be prepared for the date like you are. 

Ex. You love hiking, so you take your date to the trails. However, she's allergic to pollen and wore flip flops. She is unprepared and unhappy with the date.


True or false: It is okay to go to someone's house for a first date, and for them to pick you up and drop you off.

False- your first time meeting someone should be in a public place with separate transportation. This protects your safety and allows you to leave anytime you choose.


True or False: How you talk to others around you on a date, such as the waiter, is also important? Why or why not.

True- being rude to others can be a red flag for a date


Your date says they have a dog. What are two examples of follow up questions to ask them?

What type of dog? What is the dog's name? How long have you had the dog? What do you like to do with the dog? Etc... 


What are two categories of questions you will see on a dating profile?

Characteristics you have and characteristics you look for in a potential partner


Describe what "deal breakers" are and list some examples.

A deal breaker is a quality about a person or their life that you know you could not put up with, or a quality you could not do without in your life. There are "non-negotiable's", that you should consider before dating someone.

ex. wanting to have kids, liking pets, smoking


True or False: It is okay to just choose a restaurant on the fly, once you and your date are together.

False: Before going to a restaurant, you should look into making a reservation if necessary, and also look at their menu and prices, so you can 

1. make sure you and your date would enjoy the food and service, and....

2. make sure you can afford it.


True or False: It is not appropriate to ask a date about their future life goals.

False- you'll want to know if you and your partner have similar goals for the future, because incompatible plans could be a deal breaker. (ex. do you want kids, where do you want to live)