Poseidon's wife
Who is Amphitrite?
This queen of Thebes bragged that she was better than Leto because she had 7 sons and 7 daughters.
Who is Niobe?
The watchdog at the gates of the underworld.
Who is Cerberus?
She gave up her golden throne on Mount Olympus for Dionysus.
Who is Hestia?
This Titan created man and gave him the gift of fire.
Who is Prometheus?
The most sacred place in Greece.
Where is Delphi?
This harp-like instrument was invented by Hermes and then gifted to Apollo.
What is a lyre?
The ferryman of the dead who takes souls across the Styx for a coin.
Who is Charon?
The pirates who kidnapped Dionysus were transformed into this animal.
What is a dolphin?
These sisters are the goddesses of destiny who decided how long mortals should live.
Who are the Three Fates?
The old god of the sea, replaced by Poseidon.
Who is Nereus?
Birthplace of Hermes.
Where is Mount Cyllene?
This place in the underworld is where heroes were sent after death.
What are the Elysian fields?
She was killed by insisting that she must see Zeus in all his glory.
Who was Semele?
Because men had learned how to trick the gods from Prometheus, this beautiful silly woman was sent to punish all mortals.
Who is Pandora?
Mother of Apollo and Artemis.
Who is Leto?
He was turned into a stag by Artemis and then attacked by his own hounds.
Who is Actaeon?
This is the spring of forgetfulness in the underworld.
What is Lethe?
These valley nymphs cared for and raised Dionysus in hiding.
What are Maenads?
Prometheus taught men to trick the gods. Zeus punished him by chaining him in these mountains.
What are the Caucasus Mountains?
Goddess of childbirth forbidden by Hera to help deliver Apollo and Artemis.
Who is Ilithyia?
Who are Otus and Ephialtes?
He is the judge of the dead.
Who is Rhadamanthus?
The cupbearer to the gods.
Who is Ganymede?
This goddess saw that all good and evil on earth were justly repaid.
Who is Nemesis?