David's job as a boy
a. A cook
b. A janitor
c. A shepherd
What is a shepherd?
Goliath's weapon in battle
a. A sling
b. A gun
c. A swordWhat is a sword?
Person who anoints David King
a. Samuelb. Saul
c. Jesse
Who is Samuel?
Leader of the Israelite army
a. Goliathb. Samuel
c. Saul
Who is Saul?
One food item David took to his brothers
a. bread
b. Cheese
c. Grain
d. All of the aboveWhat is bread, cheese or grain?
The weapon David uses to kill Goliath
a. a sling
b. A sword
c. A bow and arrow
What is a sling
Goliath was from here
a. Bethlehem
b. Gath
c. Jerusalem
What is the Philistine city of Gath?
Animals David has fought
a. A lion and a bear
b. Sheep
c. Coyote
What are a lion and bear?
Shelter for the soldiers
a. A mansion
b. a cabin
c. A tent
What is a tent?
The reason David went to the battle
a. To check on his brothers
b. To join the battle
c. He didn’t go to the battle
What is to check on his brothers?
Metal that made Goliath's helmet
a. bronzeb. Gold
c. Dimond
What is bronze?
Number of stones David takes with him to face Goliath
a. 50
b. 1
c. 5
What is 5 smooth round stones?
Number of David's brothers who were fighting the Philistines
a. 7
b. 3
c. 1
What is three?
What Saul gives David to fight Goliath?
a. A slingb. Armor and a sword
c. Nothing
What is armor and a sword?
Number of brothers David had
a. 1
b. 3
c. 7
What is 7?
What Goliath yells at David as David approaches with sling
a. come get me
b. "Do you think I'm a Dog that you can fight with sticks?
c. "Do you think I'm a Cat that you can fight with sticks?
What is "Do you think I'm a Dog that you can fight with sticks?
Number of stones shot at Goliath
a. 3
b. 2
c. 1
What is one?
David's father
a. Samuel
b. Saul
c. JesseWho is Jesse?
What Samuel was
a. A prophet
b. A regular man
c. A soldierWhat is a prophet?
Kingdom where David lived
a. Babylon
b. Judah
c. Israel
What is Israel?
Height of Goliath
a. 4ft
b. 12ft
c. 9ft
What is 9 feet?
Job David did as an adult
a. A shepherd
b. A king
c. A teacher
What is a king?
Who is on David's side who gives him courage to face Goliath
a. God
b. His brothers
c. The Israelite soldiers
Who is God?
The book of the Bible where the story of David and Goliath is found
a. 1st Kings
b. 2nd Samuel
c. 1st Samuel
What is 1 Samuel?