Closest planet to earth
How many rarities of cards exist in clash royale, as of December 2021
What does the BBC stand for in relation to SACS
Bishop Barry Centre
A question that is asked without the intent of receiving an answer because the answer itself is obvious.
Rhetorical Question
What meme poked fun at a certain social heirachy system in China?
Social credits
The hit game amoung us contains what maps, as of 2020?
The skeld, Mira H.Q., Polus
What was the full name of Cassidy from Overwatch before his name was changed
Jesse Mcree
The act of hinting at or setting up a situation, event or action that will later be extremely important in the narrative but doesn’t seem important at the time.
The introduction of a famous actor in the new mario movie
chris pratt
What is considered the fourht state of matter
In which country did the game, Forza Horizon 2 take place in?
Uses two similar concepts or ideas to create a relationship or draw comparisons between the two.
Involved a mode of transport, used in the air along with arabic music
Helicopter, Helicopter
What is the study of fungi
In the critically acclamied game, Overwatch, what is the name of the device that allows tracer to time travel
Cronal Accelerator
What is Ezekiel Surjadinata's middle name
Two contradictory words or concepts used together to create a strange or complex thing/idea that still makes sense.
Screenshotting and often considered scams
Luciferin + Luciferase or Photoprotein + Calcium ion = ?
When was the first Donkey Kong arcade game released?
July 9th, 1981
What is the name of Australia's shortest street
Atherden Street
A mild or ‘proper’ expression used to replace one that is harsh, blunt or otherwise offensive in order to not cause trouble or appear vulgar.
Turning into a convertable