Has the best sense of humor.
Who is Jay
Heath was born on this day.
What is 9/14/13
Our first dog's name.
What is Hallagon?
Nolan is this old.
What is 9?
Heath didn't have tardys, but this did.
What is school work?
The year we decided we were going to moved.
What is 2018?
Our 2nd dog's name
What is Ember?
Higbee is this kind of cat.
What is Calico?
Heath said the yellow light couldn't cross the road because it was doing this.
What is "doing its duty?"
My favorite soccer coach's nickname.
Who is coach B.J.?
My fish's names.
What are Laser and Razor
Most of these cats are female.
What is Calico?
(This question isn't actually 300 points.)
The name of my stuffed bear from Build-A-Bear.
What is Flash?
The toilet paper couldn't cross the road because of this.
What is "getting stuck in the crack?"
Lily's birthdate
What is 9/16/07
Heath's chicken's name
What is Stripy?
My favorite breed of dog.
(used for police work)
What is German Shepherd?
The leaf fell because it was this.
(not fall)
What is Autumn?
The day that ended in day.
All of them!!! Trick question
My first lizard's name
What is Blizzard?
The color of FEMALE cardinals.
What is grayish?