English word for les oreilles
French word for feet
le pied
une fiévre
English translation of "J'ai mal á la tête"
I have a headache
How many numbers are on une horloge
French word for shoulders
les épaules
English word for le genou
English word for l''infirmier
French word for the chills
des frissons
Where l'etudiant sits for class (French)
une chaise
The two french words for face
la figure et le visage
English word for le ventre
French phrase for "I am in pain"
J'ai mal
Translation of "Je me sens mal"
I feel bad
Translate "l'étudiant a regardé par la fenêtre"
"The student looked out the window"
The difference between les yeux and l'oeil
one is multiple eyes one is a single eye
The amount of les doigts a person has
What you do when you are fatiguéd
The sickness you get from being in the snow (French)
un rhume
English word for: une porte, une poubelle, et un tableau
Door, garbage can, board
Where le couer is located
What connects le pied to the body
la jambe/le genou
Someone who takes care of you along with l'infirmier
le médecin/le docteur
What you take when you are malade
le médicament
The two things you write with in class (French)
un stylo et un crayon