Career Opportunities/Opp. in FCCLA
Principles and Domains in CD
Durable Employability Skills
Parts of the Brain
Childhood Experiences

What is a bachelor's degree?

4- year college degree

Undergraduate studies


Which domain focuses on physical health and growth, motor development, self-care, and safety awareness?

Health and Physical Development


What is a resume?

formal document created and used to display a person's background, skills, and accomplishments as they relate to a job.


What is the occipital lobe responsible for?

process visual information


What is positive stress?

The body's normal and healthy stress response


What is a master's degree?

Degree given to someone who continues their education for 1-2 years after their bachelor's degree.


List all 5 Domains of Development

1. Approaches to Play and Learning

2. Emotional and Social Development

3. Health and Physical Development

4. Language Development and Communicaiton

5. Cognitive Development


What is critical thinking?

ability to analyze, assess, and recognize personal thought processes and ability thinking is clear, rational, and evidence based.


What is the parietal lobe in charge of?

manages language and touch


What is tolerable stress?

Activation of the body's stress response to a long-lasting situation.


What does FCCLA stand for?

Family and Community Leaders of America


Which domain includes curiosity, information-seeking, and eagerness, play and imagination, risk-taking, problem-solving, attentiveness, effort, and persistence?

Approaches to Play and Learning


What is learner's mindset?

posses and ongoing desire to learn, unlearn, and relearn, embrace curiosity to experience new ideas, demonstrate growth, and persist through challenges


What is executive function?

mental processes that enable us to plan, focus attention, remember, and juggle multiple tasks


What is recilience?

ability to thrive, adapt, and cope despite tough and stressful times


What is child development?

sequence of physical, language, thought and emotional change that occur in a child from birth to the beginning of adulthood.

Which domain includes thinking and reasoning, creative expression, social connections, mathematical thinking, and scientific exploration?

Cognitive Development


What is an internship?

Work done by a student or trainee, sometimes without pay, to gain work experience


What do Axon's do?

portion of the neuron that carries nerve impulses away from the cell body


What does ACE's stand for and what is one of the 3 types?

Adverse Childhood Experiences

Ex. Abuse, Neglect, Household Dysfunction


What are credentials?

qualifications from previous achievements, trainings, and general background that indicate a person is capable of doing a specific kind of work


What is DAP? define and explain

Developmentally Appropriate Practice: methods and approaches designed to support children's optimal development and learning


What is an apprenticeship?

arrangement in which someone learns an art, trade, or job from the direction from another, combines with on-the-job training with classroom instruction (college coursework) to prepare workers for highly skilled careers


What are Synapses?

the place where neurons connect and communicate with each other; each neuron has hundreds of thousands of synaptic connections


What is toxic stress?

Prolonged activation of body's stress response that can lead to long-term behavior issues, health complications, and diseases