SS.7.CG.1.5 Describe how British policies and responses to colonial concerns led to the writing of the Declaration of Independence.

SS.7.CG.1.6 Analyze the ideas and grievances set forth in the Declaration of Independence.
SS.7.CG.1.7 Explain how the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation led to the writing of the U.S. Constitution.

SS.7.CG.1.8 Explain the purpose of the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution.

Which document addressed colonial concerns about English policies?

A. U.S. Constitution

B. Mayflower Compact

C. English Bill of Rights

D. Declaration of Independence

D. Declaration of Independence


Which historical document inspired colonists to seek independence?

A. Magna Carta

B. Common Sense

C. Mayflower Compact

D. English Bill of Rights

B. Common Sense


Below is a political cartoon. 

What system of government is illustrated in the political cartoon? 

A. Unitary 

B. Federal

C. Confederal

D. Parliamentary

C. Confederal


Which section of the constitution exists to introduce the new government and its purposes? 

A. Article I

B. Article II

C. Preamble

D. The Bill of Right

C. Preamble


Which of the following vocabulary pairings best describes the transition from the Articles of Confederation to the United States Constitution?

A. Parliamentary to Confederation

B. Federal to Unitary

C. Unitary to Federal

D. Confederation to Federal

D. Confederation to Federal


Which Enlightenment idea did the writers of the Declaration of Independence feel had been broken by the English policies and treatment of the colonies?

A. Natural rights

B. The Social Contract

C. Separation of powers

D. Checks and balances

B. The Social Contract


The following is a line from the Declaration of Independence.

“... That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…”

Based on this quote, from where should a government get its power? 

A. the king

B. the people

C. the executive branch

D. the legislative branch

B. the people


What is the name of the first constitution of the United States?

A. Bill of Rights 

B. U.S. Constitution

C. Articles of Confederation

D. Declaration of Independence

C. Articles of Confederation


Which part of the Preamble tells where the government gets its power?

A. “To provided for the common defense”

B. “Promote the general welfare”

C. “Insure domestic tranquility”

D. “We the people”

D. “We the people”


From 1776-1789 the Articles of Confederation established a government for the United States of America. Which level of government would have most authority during this timespan?

A. Local

B. National

C. State

D. Central

C. State


Below is a timeline of events leading to the writing of the Declaration of Independence.

Which event best completes the chart?

A. Colonists follow all acts and imposed taxes

B. Colonists protest and boycott the taxes and acts

C. Parliament allows colonists to send representatives

D. Parliament allows colonists to decide their own taxes

B. Colonists protest and boycott the taxes and acts


Based on the Declaration of Independence, what right do citizens have if their government violates their rights?

A. to elect a new government

B. to protest the government

C. to alter or abolish the government

D. to seek representation in government

C. to alter or abolish the government


The postage stamp below shows a committee of the Second Continental Congress drafting the Articles of the Confederation.

Why did this committee create a weak central government?

A. to encourage more trade between states

B. to preserve the powers of the individual states

C. to promote the nation’s security against foreign attacks

D. to permit the taxation of citizens to pay the nation's debts

B. to preserve the powers of the individual states


This newspaper headline describes an event in U.S. history.

Which government purpose identified in the Preamble is reflected in the headline?

A. ensure domestic tranquility

B. promote the general welfare

C. secure the blessings of liberty

D. provide for the common defense

A. ensure domestic tranquility


Which statement from the Declaration of Independence best describes what the writers viewed as the role of government?

A. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”

B. “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

C. “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it.”

D. “They are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

B. “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”


Which event best completes the diagram of
the road to the Declaration of Independence?

A. British eliminate all taxes on colonists 

B. Colonists vote to elect new member of Parliament 

C. British ignore colonist petitions and grievances 

D. Colonist send troops to Britain in protest

C. British ignore colonist petitions and grievances 


Below is a diagram. 

Which statement completes the diagram?

A. People possess natural rights.

B. People establish natural rights.

C. It is the role of the government to protect natural rights.

D. It is the role of the government to determine natural rights.

C. It is the role of the government to protect natural rights.


Which was a weakness under the Articles of Confederation?

A. The president could enforce laws.

B. Congress could not collect taxes.

C. States could not trade among each other.  

D. The national court system settled disputes between states. 

B. Congress could not collect taxes.


The statement below is from a historical document.

“We the People of the United States... do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

How is this statement reflected in the modern American political system?

A. The citizens elect representatives.  

B. The king is born into leadership.

C. The president is born into leadership.

D. The government elects representatives. 

A. The citizens elect representatives.  


Which statement best describes the intent of the Preamble?

A. List the rights belonging to the citizens.

B. Protect the rights belonging to states.

C. Limit the power of the new central government.

D. Establish the goals and purposes of the new government.

D. Establish the goals and purposes of the new government.


According to the Declaration of Independence, where do our natural rights come from?

A. the creator at birth

B. the government at birth

C. when we gain citizenship

D. when we receive them from the government

A. the creator at birth


How did the U.S. Constitution address the problem under the Articles of Confederation that Congress had no power to ensure its laws were followed by the states?

A. It created an executive branch to enforce laws. 

B. It gave each state sovereign authority over its laws. 

C. It required unanimous consent of states to create new laws.

D. It required the president to resolve disputes between states.

A. It created an executive branch to enforce laws. 


Which part from the Preamble means "give freedom to ourselves and future generations"?

A. “Establish justice”

B. “Promote the general welfare”

C. “Insure domestic tranquility” 

D. “Secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity”

D. “Secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity”