Pre-op phone calls are made to families this many days prior to surgery?
What is 2 business Days?
This is the minimum two identifiers a healthcare worker must use during a time-out.
What is name and birth date.
As close to surgery as possible; constant monitoring; sterile draping of back table; no taping of doors
What are the AORN recommendations concerning time frame for opening a sterile field?
These are the 4 items that we charge for on the DJO.
What is arm sling, leg brace, crutches and immobilizer.
What is Private Healthcare Information?
H&P's need to be done within this time frame prior to procedure.
What is 30 days?
You have two different doctors operating on the same patient. This is how many timeouts you must do before starting any procedure.
What is two?
The farthest wrapper flap; each side flap; and then nearest flap
What is the order one should open sterile wrapped items?
This is required for all non-English speaking patients and families.
What is an Interpreter?
What is Congestive Heart Failure?
GLP 1's need to be held this long prior to anesthesia.
What is 1 week?
Time-out verifying, at a minimum, patient name, laterality (if applicable), and procedure, will be performed under the following circumstances: 1. If the patient is _______ after the time-out is performed 2. If there is a change in team members (surgeon/assistant/circulator/anesthesia) after the time out but prior to the _____ of the procedure.
What is the repositioned and start?
This is what is required for _______. Tissue ID number,& expiration date, Tissue Bank, Recovery and Preparation Staff, Reconstitution solution,lot numbers & expiration date, Reconstitution start & stop time
What are AORN/JCHAO required charting data points for implanted allograft tissue?
What is a time-out?
What is computerized tomography?
This is how long a patient must be NPO before surgery.
What is 2 hours?
A final confirmation that the site marking is still visible in the operative field will be done______ draping.
What is after?
Before the procedure to establish a baseline (initial), at wound closure or at the end of the procedure when counted items are no longer in use (final) and at the time of permanent relief of either scrub or RN circulator.
What are times when an instrument and soft count are required ?
This is a tab within Epic where you can find information to add to the patient's AVS.
What is Clinical References?
What is positive end-expiratory pressure?
The patient has to be at least this age before we start asking about suicidal thoughts
What is 8 years old?
For each individual procedure performed on the same patient, including but not limited to moving to a different site (i.e., bilateral limbs, individual fingers/ toes, etc.) the verification will be performed at a minimum by the physician and the _______ ______.
What is scrub person or tech?
This is when it is okay for the staff member to sit when scrubbed in.
What is when the procedure is performed at all the same level?
Name the term. Thick masses of cells & extracellular materials that are tightly attached to surfaces and cannot be easily removed.
What is biofilm?
What is paroxysmal atrial fibrillation?