Day [2]
Firsts of 1961
Now you're speaking our language!
Do it for the Culture...
Some of our Favorite Things

This red planet has two moons called Phobos and Deimos. 

What is Mars?

This organization was founded when a private donor contributed enough to get the organization up and running. 

What is YOU?


This wide-spread organization provides a continuum of education support to families, students, school districts and communities. 

Kalamazoo Regional Educational Service Agency (KRESA)


This Career Connect project team helps us all remember the importance of having fun at work - they regularly host special events, after hours outings and more! 

What is the Crazy Awesome Fun Committee (CAFC)


This WMU grad and Lead Career Coach can sometimes be found enjoying beef jerky and sunflower seeds as a quick afternoon snack! 

Who is Jamiese Edmonson?


This mammal, native to the arctic and nearby areas, is the animal that most commonly births twins. 

What is a polar bear?

This man was inaugurated as President of the United States - he was the youngest person to be elected to the office. 

Who is John F. Kennedy?


This team within KRESA allows young people to discover, ignite and launch their careers through a variety of entry points, like CTE, EFA, YOU, WBL, etc. 

What is Career Connect?


This is how our Career Connect team refers to our flexible dress code. 

What is "dress for your day"?

This Program Coordinator's keeps warm in the winter by knitting sweaters, hats and scarves! 

Who is Molly Fitz Henry?


In this artist's song “22 Two’s”, he rhymes the words: too, to, and two, 22 times in the first verse. 

Who is Jay-Z?


Yuri Gagarin, a citizen of this country, completed the first orbit of Earth by a human. 

What is the Soviet Union?


This part of the KRESA Career Connect team is dedicated to out-of-school time career pathway planning for young people. 

What is YOU?


This KRESA value is often referred to as ABAR and demonstrates our commitment to strive for a transformative culture where diversity, equity and inclusion are at the center of our decision-making. 

What is anti-biased/anti-racist?


This Youth Services Coordinator can often be found in boldly patterned polos, which have been the go-to gift from kids for the last few years! 

Who is Jim Benton?


These two states are the only US states to have three sets of double letters (e.g., "mm", "ii", etc.). 

What are Tennessee and Mississippi?


This agency was established, which now assists developing countries by providing skilled workers in fields like education, health, and women's empowerment. 

What is the Peace Corps?


YOU serves a four-county region. These are the counties we serve. 

What are Branch, Calhoun, Kalamazoo and St. Joseph counties?


This service provides mental, physical, financial and social well-being support to KRESA staff, along with anyone living in their households, for free! 

What is HelpNet?


This Administrator of Youth Services loves '90s and '00s hip hop. Her go-to song for an energy boost is Juicy by The Notorious BIG

Who is Amanda Sutherland?


The city of Igbo-Ora in this African country is unusually abundant in twins, with nearly every family having twins or other types of multiples. 

What is Nigeria?


This future president is born in Honolulu, HI. 

Who is Barack Obama?


A number of participants who engage with YOU services are enrolled using what we call WIOA funding. This is what WIOA stands for.

What is Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act?


Tameka Tate is our representative for this committee, where staff questions and concerns are anonymously shared for feedback from experts.  

What is the Employee Advisory Committee (EAC)?

Food is the way to his heart! Befriend this KRESA staff and you'll be blessed with quick solutions to any of your maintenance problems. 

Who is David Plummer?