What is 15 days after May 25th?
June 12th
What is 2 weeks after March 29th?
April 12th
What is 2 months before July?
How many years are in a decade?
10 years
What day of the week was Mar 12, 2017, May 12, 2017, & Jul 12, 2017?
Sunday, Friday, & Wednesday
What is 17 days before August 9th?
July 24th
What is 2 weeks before October 23rd?
October 9th
What's 2 months after October?
What year was Ms.Scimone, Ms.Alvarez, & Zach born?
1988, 1990, & 2005
What day was Sep 12, 2016?
What day was Presidents day in 2018?
Feb 19, 2018
What day of the week was Oct 12, 2012, Jul 12, 2013, & Dec 12, 2014?
What is 2 months before September?
What year was Bobo, Papa Stu, Jamie, & Micheal born?
1944, 1943, 1971, & 1963
What day was Sep 26, 2017?
What day of the week was Halloween in 2018?
What day of the was Halloween in 2017?
What month is Ms.Scimone, Ms.Alvarez, & Zach's birthday on?
December, July, & March
What year Roya & Jody married?
Feb 10, 1996
What day of week was Jun 16, 2016 & Jun 17, 2016?
Thursday & Friday
How many days were in 2000?
What day of the week was Feb 12, 2018?
What months are Bobo, Papa Stu, Jamie, & Micheal's birthday on?
November, September, October, & February
What year was Bobo & Stu married, and Jamie & Micheal married?
Jun 11, 1966 & Aug 14, 2015
What day of the week was Sep 12, 2018?